Here's the email that I received. Based on what I read, I think it's clear what needs to happen! Your comments please!! (I changed his real last name to "R." at the end to protect his privacy)
This post included a poll earlier, then went back to edit the post and probably deleted the poll by accident. So here's the poll again. My apologies to those who's vote was deleted. I just hope it wasn't deleted by the moderators. If it was, please forgive me for reposting the poll, but I did so under the assumption that I accidently deleted the poll myself.
This post included a poll earlier, then went back to edit the post and probably deleted the poll by accident. So here's the poll again. My apologies to those who's vote was deleted. I just hope it wasn't deleted by the moderators. If it was, please forgive me for reposting the poll, but I did so under the assumption that I accidently deleted the poll myself.
Hello everyone,
I posted under the name AIRLNRGUY on the forums on On August 22, I made a post about a Concorde pic I found on that I found interesting. SWA733captain would remember it, as he replied to it. I came back a few minutes and the post was gone. I have had this happen to me on one of my trip reports and thought nothing of it and reposted it. A few minutes later, it was gone. So I was going to go for a final try, but a screen came up saying, "Critical Information, You have been banned from this forum, please contact the admin for more info." So I wrote a quick letter to Chris telling him of the situation. Minutes later, I got a message from Chris,
When a post is deleted, it is deleted for a reason. You received an
e-mail stating precisely why the post was deleted, but chose to post it
again. Thus, consider yourself on suspension for a period of one (1)
week. Your account will be reinstated on Saturday, August 30, 2003.
Best Regards,
Chris Kilroy
Editor, JetPhotos.Net
How unfair is that! I never received any email saying why the post was deleted! So I wrote one more that night saying that I never had gotten an email. Well, the days rolled by with no reply, so I wrote emails to both [email protected] and [email protected]. No reply, so I went to a moderator instead, emailed AmyB. No reply. So finally, I got in touch with Peter on MSN messenger. He asked me, "Aren't u banned?" I said "yes, and I don't know why." "Hold on" was his response. I gave him my email for when he found out, I never heard from him after that. Peter, did Chris tell you to ignore me?
Here is why I am telling you all this, I cannot believe Chris would like to lose a good, responsible forum member. I can't believe he would treat any forum member like this. I hope someone will start a post in the forums about this email, so maybe Chris will take action and stop ignoring me. It is wrong and this is something you would see with Johan and airliners.
If anybody has any questions email me at [email protected]
Ryan R.
I posted under the name AIRLNRGUY on the forums on On August 22, I made a post about a Concorde pic I found on that I found interesting. SWA733captain would remember it, as he replied to it. I came back a few minutes and the post was gone. I have had this happen to me on one of my trip reports and thought nothing of it and reposted it. A few minutes later, it was gone. So I was going to go for a final try, but a screen came up saying, "Critical Information, You have been banned from this forum, please contact the admin for more info." So I wrote a quick letter to Chris telling him of the situation. Minutes later, I got a message from Chris,
When a post is deleted, it is deleted for a reason. You received an
e-mail stating precisely why the post was deleted, but chose to post it
again. Thus, consider yourself on suspension for a period of one (1)
week. Your account will be reinstated on Saturday, August 30, 2003.
Best Regards,
Chris Kilroy
Editor, JetPhotos.Net
How unfair is that! I never received any email saying why the post was deleted! So I wrote one more that night saying that I never had gotten an email. Well, the days rolled by with no reply, so I wrote emails to both [email protected] and [email protected]. No reply, so I went to a moderator instead, emailed AmyB. No reply. So finally, I got in touch with Peter on MSN messenger. He asked me, "Aren't u banned?" I said "yes, and I don't know why." "Hold on" was his response. I gave him my email for when he found out, I never heard from him after that. Peter, did Chris tell you to ignore me?
Here is why I am telling you all this, I cannot believe Chris would like to lose a good, responsible forum member. I can't believe he would treat any forum member like this. I hope someone will start a post in the forums about this email, so maybe Chris will take action and stop ignoring me. It is wrong and this is something you would see with Johan and airliners.
If anybody has any questions email me at [email protected]
Ryan R.