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Are you f-ing kidding me....
I think it wa an evassive manouver so they wouldn't hit the Canadian sub that was looking for
Syd - you hit it on the mark. As an ex "ping-bosun" on Leander Class Frigates, while we picked up old technology Russian nuc clunkers at 40 miles on passive, the new "invisible" boats are another thing all together. That's where MAD helps. Anyway, re the "nuclear fallout" - Kursk comes to mind, what ????
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I think the military is sick of not having the spotlight so decided to top the 13 year old father, but thats its own thread.
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Originally posted by Cam View PostI PRAY that they everything turns out OK....but common...two allied subs can see each other....and you spend all this money on technology because...?
1. There are no windows in a sub.
2. Even if there were windows or cameras to look outside a sub your view may be severly curtailed by crap in the water, the fact that half of the day it is night will also tend to impair your view, as will the fact that the deeper you go the darker it gets even in daylight.
3. If you were expecting the sonar operators to keep you safe - they won't. These were missile boats - their job is to stay undetected so they survive the first strike against their home country, then be able to retaliate. To remain undetected they are designed so that they emit tiny noise signatures when on patrol. What noise they do make would probably be masked by the noise from krill, cetations surface shipping and such. They do not use active sonar to check around the sub as that would give your position away (same as using a torch in a darkened room).
4. The French and UK government despite being fellow NATO members probably don't advise the positions of their subs to each other as any information leak from one would reveal the positions of both country's subs. Then these missile boats could be shadowed and attacked by an adversary, thus rendering them pointless.
5. The odds of this happening again are absolutely miniscule and are a risk both nations will continue to take for the sake of their nuclear security.
Don't sweat it - you are not a submariner, the subs even if they did collide would not suddenly explode in a giant nuclear fireball, they would just probably sink without trace.
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Are you f-ing kidding me....
BRITISH and French nuclear submarines which collided deep under the Atlantic could have sunk or released deadly radioactivity, it emerged last night.
The Royal Navy’s HMS Vanguard and the French Navy’s Le Triomphant are both nuclear powered and were carrying nuke missiles.
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