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Weather in your area 2009

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  • Weather in your area 2009

    Down here in the Southern Plains, we have been enjoying temperatures in the 70s and mid-upper 80s (Fahrenheit) the past 4-5 days after a relatively cool February (and tornadoes in the first half of February-then again anything's possible in Oklahoma anytime of the year). Tomorrow, the warm weather continues, but with a warm front-dryline scenario setting up, and a trough sending an impulse of energy into the southern plains, there is a chance for some severe weather again. We are heading into severe weather season here so no surprise there. Then the cold Canadian airmass comes down mid-week and we'll only have highs in the 30s and 40s with a chance of light snow in some parts. Nothing too unusual for March here lol.

    So, what's up with the weather where you are?

  • #3


    • #4
      Originally posted by Foxtrot View Post
      Down here in the Southern Plains, we have been enjoying temperatures in the 70s and mid-upper 80s (Fahrenheit) the past 4-5 days after a relatively cool February (and tornadoes in the first half of February-then again anything's possible in Oklahoma anytime of the year). Tomorrow, the warm weather continues, but with a warm front-dryline scenario setting up, and a trough sending an impulse of energy into the southern plains, there is a chance for some severe weather again. We are heading into severe weather season here so no surprise there. Then the cold Canadian airmass comes down mid-week and we'll only have highs in the 30s and 40s with a chance of light snow in some parts. Nothing too unusual for March here lol.

      So, what's up with the weather where you are?
      Well the weather here in Denver this week is going to suck, basically cloudy, then partly sunny for a few days, we're looking at 40-50 degrees Farenheit this week. Last week was very nice, we were in the mid 70s the whole week and the same goes for next week.

      Originally posted by Crunk415balla View Post
      Unfortunate consequence of living near San Fransisco.



      • #5
        Hawarden, Wales, UK.

        The WeatherPixie


        • #6
          Last night....

          On a night shift.

          F'ing Cold,
          F'ing Wet,
          F'ing tired !!


          Asleep !
          Weather ? Couldn't give a sh1t !!!!!!

          If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


          • #7
            Got 8 inches of snow last Sunday/Monday then by wednesday it was back up into the 70s.

            Today it's in the 70s, tomorrow in the 402 and Thursday in the 80s.

            Ah the joys of the beginning of spring in VA.



            • #8
              As a slight tangent, the last post reminds me of the Scottish TV weather girl many years ago who said, "There's no snow right now, but I'm expecting a good six inches tonight."


              • #9
                CBC says its much colder than I initially thought it was:


                • #10
                  It was -39C with wind chills into the -40Cs here last night. Almost as cold the night before.
                  A heat wave tonight forecasted with -29C forecasted. Orlando later this week is looking better and better all the time.


                  • #11
                    It is 36 here with a 3600 foot ceiling. Rather pleasant, I was finally able to take the car out of 4wd
                    You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


                    • #12
                      ^I guess after all the ultra-cold temperatures you've been having up in Alaska 36F is actually a nice change. lol

                      Well, the cold front moved through yesterday and in an hour or so the temperatures fell from the lower 70s down to the lower 50s, quite a strong cold airmass for late winter. Right now it's 30F with a gusty NW wind.


                      • #13
                        Salt Lake City has been seeing some great weather in the last fwe days. Even though it's below 0c, the sun is out and warth is in the air. The mountain add a great effect too!!


                        • #14

                          COLD and COLD


                          • #15
                            Originally posted by Foxtrot View Post
                            ^I guess after all the ultra-cold temperatures you've been having up in Alaska 36F is actually a nice change. lol
                            Its pretty much t-shirt weather
                            You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven

