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Weather in your area 2009
Wacky Spring Weather in Denver
Yep, Denver's been the same way. Some nice days, some cold, and some very cold day. On Tuesday and Wednesday the temperature jumped up to about 70-72 degrees, but today it black to full-sleve shirts as we barely crossed 50 degrees. The next couple of days will be in the high 50s with the temp. jumping up to about 65 on Tuesday.
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After temps in the upper 50s and low 60s early in the week, the temperature jumped up to the low 80s yesterday, and today with SW and WSW winds of 25-35 with gusts upto 50mph, we had temperatures in the upper 80s, but after the dryline passed, several large wildfires broke out. A number of homes have been burned to a total loss in Oklahoma City unfortunately. Large fires are also continuing in north central and south central OK, and also in western OK. A cold front will be coming through, but the winds behind it are equally as bad if not worse. It's going to be a long night...
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Rainy season is pretty much over here in San Francisco. Still not enough rain, but the sun feels nice.
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It is lightly snowing here. Which is good, it will help keep the ash down. We are supposed to get a dusting of volcanic ash today.
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Fargo's mayor is being an idiot right now. Because of the snow, the forecasters changed their prediction to say that there is a chance the river level rises to a 43' stage, however the temporary dikes are only built for a 42' stage as per the last prediction of a 41' crest. Fargo's mayor has now stated "I'm 100% confident that the river will not exceed 42 feet" and the dikes aren't being raised.
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^lol, yeah, we're used to big temperature changes and such around here in the Spring but with the model forecasts in NW OK/SW KS at 25+ inches of snow it's rather unusual. Then again some of our worst snowstorms have been in March.
Yeah I've been keeping tabs on the flooding up in ND. Unfortunately for Fargo and points north along the Red, it keeps ririsng, hopefully they can keep up with the rising level in Fargo itself (already has flooded other parts). I read though about a project done by the Army Corps of Engineers in Grand Forks after the '97 floods which should help out against the flooding.
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^^^You're welcome for that. This week has been interesting. Got back with weather in the 50s and then Tuesday night to Wednesday night we got about 7+ inches of snow in that time. Yesterday it snowed off and on, but today it's beautiful. We don't have to really worry about the weather more than the flooding. Fargo's getting a record flood and it's on its way up here.
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Well, it's been nice so far this week, but it's going downhill now. Storm chasing on Monday with temps in the low-mid 70s, now we're expecting snow. Looks like about 5-6 inches here, with higher local amounts possible. Blizzard warnings in NW OK, SW KS and the panhandles of TX and OK with 15-20 inches of snow expected along the OK/KS border and winds gusting to 50mph. It's going to be interesting the next day and a half.
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It was soo nice and cold recently (haha - I am sheltered) as it dipped into the 50 and 60s, but now it is back to the typical hot-as-balls and humid-as-the-Amazon dog days of Sunny Palm Beach, Florida!
Things to look forward to this year:
Summer's Massive/Awesome/Powerfully Beautiful daily thunderstorms...
Summer's wiltingly hot days at the beach...
Cowering in fear in my closet while a Cat. 4 hammers my house! (Yup, the 3 year cycle ends this year!), then breathing a sigh of relief - only to have the weather man say "Hmm, umm - opps, looks like we have three more forming off of the coast of Africa". Oh, and related - my favorite - having to fight all the old geezers here in Palm Beach as they shop at Publix for cans of food that they do not have the faculties to open!!! Yup, another typical year at home!
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Originally posted by ASpilot2be View PostIts pretty much t-shirt weather
Well after a few days of cold weather with some periods of light freezing rain and sleet and all that, it's going be a nice week ahead, with high temps back in the 70s
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Been getting some rain here in San Francisco, but we could use a lot more.
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Originally posted by Foxtrot View Post^I guess after all the ultra-cold temperatures you've been having up in Alaska 36F is actually a nice change. lol
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Salt Lake City has been seeing some great weather in the last fwe days. Even though it's below 0c, the sun is out and warth is in the air. The mountain add a great effect too!!
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