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What happens to "banned" members?

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  • #16
    Chasen and his antics...some of the mods have obviously NOT worked for an airline or on the ramp/gate...sarcastic comments to the extreme are part of the wouldn't be worth it if shit screwed up and you DIDN'T call the guy with a fake leg "Peggy the 75% Man" for a month...
    My Flickr Pictures! Click Me!


    • #17
      The subject comes from some of the comments made in the THY crash thread.

      No one posting on that thread has been banned "YET". With few exceptions, any banning (and duration) will have been discussed by more than one crew member "before" the event.
      Standard practice for managers around the world:
      Ready - Fire - Aim! DAMN! Missed again!


      • #18
        Generally, members who have been banned are forced to shovel snow in Montreal in the dead of winter.


        • #19
          Verbal, wrong city...


          • #20


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dmmoore View Post
              With few exceptions, any banning (and duration) will have been discussed by more than one crew member "before" the event.
              I take it, that's done to make sure that the more "ban-happy" crewmembers might be balanced out by those moderators who might possibly be more, dare I say it, "moderate"?


              • #22
                Originally posted by ptbodale View Post
                I wondered what happened.
                I was wondering what happened to Chasen, as well.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by turbotraker View Post
                  Allowing yourself to get wound up and strung out by the members (self inflicted), replying to them with a foul mouthed prolonged tirades of F words, will get you a life time ban. And all that over a car.

                  BTW, it wasn't me who got banned!
                  But what a show that was!
                  Does anyone know if he ever did actually marry that girl?

                  EDIT: Wait...Chasen is gone? I don't even see his username any more....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Star Alliance View Post
                    But what a show that was!
                    Does anyone know if he ever did actually marry that girl?
                    I doubt it. Last I heard from him was an email saying how sorry he was about the whole saga. Don't know what he up to now.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Star Alliance View Post
                      But what a show that was!
                      Does anyone know if he ever did actually marry that girl?

                      EDIT: Wait...Chasen is gone? I don't even see his username any more....
                      He's not really gone, he just got banned for a long time. All I know is that he should be back by this time next year. Surprised that he got banned, hopefully he'll be back.



                      • #26
                        Banned members also get more work done
                        You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by rohank4284 View Post
                            He's not really gone, he just got banned for a long time. All I know is that he should be back by this time next year. Surprised that he got banned, hopefully he'll be back.
                            A 1-year ban?!
                            TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses

                            Voe mais alto. Fly higher.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by TAP-A343 View Post
                              A 1-year ban?!
                              Dude...I know...I know...
                              My Flickr Pictures! Click Me!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Spad13 View Post
                                I take it, that's done to make sure that the more "ban-happy" crewmembers might be balanced out by those moderators who might possibly be more, dare I say it, "moderate"?
                                I found when I was a mod here that it was much more effective to make fun of those who caused problems than it was to take any "administrative action" on them. But it does make you feel less powerful so I can see why its not popular.

