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Candlelight Vigil

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  • Candlelight Vigil


    --21,000 hours

    --21 years experience

    --BS Marine Micro Biology

    --Teenage Kids

    What a jam packed life/lie. Maybe now that you're banned you'll have time to work on getting 22,000 hours!

    To bad we didn't get to know you.

    So here is a candle until you return:

    Hey Shana, one quick joke:

    Q: What do 21,000 hours and fifty cents get you in a coffee shop?

    A: A cup of coffee.

  • #2
    How about the mods ban you for having a crap attitude? I really don't know what your problem is, but creating threads like this serves no purpose whatsoever beyond making you look a bit silly. This is not a place to score points or create personal vendettas against people; it's a place for discussions to take place. If you can't discuss things, I suggest you go elsewhere. I don't really want to waste time opening nonsense threads like this just to prove they actually are nonsense, and I doubt many other people do, either.

    Also, quit the damned bold typing. It's annoying!

    Seeing the world with a 3:2 aspect ratio...

    My images on Flickr


    • #3
      Paul...lay off the caffeine.. It’s an off topic thread, it doesn't violate any rules. Does the bold text really bother you that much? Shana lied through her teeth and had/has as much creditability as Bernie Madoff.


      • #4
        Originally posted by tommyalf View Post
        Paul...lay off the caffeine.. It’s an off topic thread, it doesn't violate any rules. Does the bold text really bother you that much? Shana lied through her teeth and had/has as much creditability as Bernie Madoff.
        I haven't been drinking any caffeine, and I'm expressing an opinion!

        Seeing the world with a 3:2 aspect ratio...

        My images on Flickr


        • #5
          Originally posted by PMN View Post
          I haven't been drinking any caffeine, and I'm expressing an opinion!




          • #6
            Originally posted by PMN View Post
            I'm expressing an opinion!


            I'll express one also.

            "Shana"or whoever it is has once again resurfaced trying to backfill the lies. Why?----I don't know.

            The timeline has stretched from 21 years to 30years.

            The age from 13 years to now 17 years for starting flying.

            I held back the PM for a reason.

            This person is a psycho and yet instead of being all over it you are wound up over blod type.

            It's a real sign of the times.


            • #7
              Originally posted by IntheShade View Post
              It's a real sign of the times.
              Please explain!

              Seeing the world with a 3:2 aspect ratio...

              My images on Flickr


              • #8
                Ok so what's the average flight time a pilot gathers in a year then? If memory serves me right, there is a maximum of 900 hours per year, is that correct? Are pilots usually quite close to that limit? Is there a difference between the regional and the mainline yearly average? Lets say a pilot can gather these 900 hours a year with a normal (no excessive overtime) schedule, that would mean 21000 hours are accumulated in about 24 years of flying.. if you start in your early twenties, you can get there by the time you're 45, she said she was 47. How does that make her a liar and why would she get banned for that?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by PMN View Post
                  Please explain!

                  You are more focused on the style of how I bold words

                  Than substance such as the fakery of the masses by Shana.

                  Do you not notice that "she" has yet to offer one single aeronautical insight or opinion?

                  That "she" has been exposed as a fraud?

                  That "she" has been banned but now allegedly a Moderator of this site is allowing her to use another persone to gain access AGAIN?

                  Or does the bold short-circuit your brain so much that you can't see past it?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Taliesin View Post
                    Ok so what's the average flight time a pilot gathers in a year then? If memory serves me right, there is a maximum of 900 hours per year, is that correct? Are pilots usually quite close to that limit? Is there a difference between the regional and the mainline yearly average? Lets say a pilot can gather these 900 hours a year with a normal (no excessive overtime) schedule, that would mean 21000 hours are accumulated in about 24 years of flying.. if you start in your early twenties, you can get there by the time you're 45, she said she was 47. How does that make her a liar and why would she get banned for that?
                    Look -- It was all explained in another thread that was deleted.

                    The numbers you have are the "updated" ones.


                    • #11
                      InTheShade, I'm given to understand that you're a pilot ?

                      If so, could you let us know which airline you fly for please, just so that I can avoid flying it in case there's a psycho in the front left or front right seat.

                      You need medical help old son !
                      If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by IntheShade View Post
                        Look -- It was all xplained in another thread that was deleted.

                        The numbers you have are the "updated" ones.
                        So? I can stand here all day and claim Im Neil Armstrong, what does it matter?
                        You dont get banned for you irrational hate of Airbus, or your love for composites in the dreamliner and your hate for composites in Airbusses, so what is this about?
                        I havent seen you post a picture of your ATPL license so why can you claim you're a pilot and she cannot? Just to spice it up I could argue that every pilot Ive ever met was intelligent, nice and mature and state that thus you cannot be a pilot. Does it change anything? No it does not.

                        If you start flying at 15 and later move on to become a pilot, I can see why one would say at one point "Ive been flying for 30 years (starting at 15)" and "Ive been flying for 20 years (starting at 25 when you became a pilot at an airline)" it hardly makes you a liar and even less does it warrant a ban so just what the fuck is going on here?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by brianw999 View Post
                          InTheShade, I'm given to understand that you're a pilot ?

                          If so, could you let us know which airline you fly for please, just so that I can avoid flying it in case there's a psycho in the front left or front right seat.

                          You need medical help old son !
                          I get it.

                          You're a internet psychologist.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by IntheShade View Post
                            Or does the bold short-circuit your brain so much that you can't see past it?
                            Ahh... It's always funny when people lack the ability to make a point without resorting to sarcasm. It's a good measure of the kind of person they are.

                            The fact is, this is an internet forum and people bullshit on forums all the time, hence why I don't really care about someone bullshitting about how long they've been flying for. It simply doesn't bother me, so I ignore it. I've worked in music for 15 years; it's an industry that has more than its fair share of bullshit so I've learned to not let it wind me up. If you're an experienced pilot I'd expect you to be in a position where you can do the same. Instead of ignoring it, and not content with kicking off in the first place, you have taken the time to create not just one but two threads continuing your little personal vendetta. Surely you have the intelligence to understand why this doesn't make any sense? Surely any intelligent adult with years of flying under his belt shouldn't feel the need to act in such a remarkably immature way?

                            Last edited by PMN; 2009-06-08, 16:12.
                            Seeing the world with a 3:2 aspect ratio...

                            My images on Flickr


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Taliesin View Post
                              So? I can stand here all day and claim Im Neil Armstrong, what does it matter?
                              In a word: Yes

                              You dont get banned for you irrational hate of Airbus, or your love for composites in the dreamliner and your hate for composites in Airbusses, so what is this about?
                              It's all opinion.

                              I havent seen you post a picture of your ATPL license so why can you claim you're a pilot and she cannot? Just to spice it up I could argue that every pilot Ive ever met was intelligent, nice and mature and state that thus you cannot be a pilot. Does it change anything? No it does not.
                              OK hold on. Show me where I have even claimed to have an ATP?

                              Show me where I have listed my Total Time?

                              Show me the claims. YOU CAN'T.

                              But I will tell you this--there are several members who have met me, who have flown with me, who have even got sign-off's from me.

                              I don't have to prove who or what I am nor do I feel a need to.

                              If you start flying at 15 and later move on to become a pilot, I can see why one would say at one point "Ive been flying for 30 years (starting at 15)" and "Ive been flying for 20 years (starting at 25 when you became a pilot at an airline)" it hardly makes you a liar and even less does it warrant a ban so just what the fuck is going on here?
                              What is going on is a lot of lies which were exposed.

                              The claims by Shana were false and crap.

                              You can fly all you want, "her" story didn't total up and she isn't a pilot. So if you want interent fakery enjoy it. There are tons of MSFS jocks out there pretending to be real pilots.

