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Michael Jackson Dies!!

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  • ROM
    Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post
    Was the manufacturer of his nose Airbus or one of its subsidiaries?

    I’m surprised that swissair isn’t here claiming that Michael Jackson’s death is an act of terrorism and that the heart attack story is just a French/Airbus conspiracy to cover up. I wouldn’t be surprised if for evidence he quoted a French tabloid article as Michael Jackson died blowing his nose; thusly swissair would translate it and assume that the context meant that Michael Jackson’s nose “exploded“; thusly proving terrorism.

    I suspect to try to inoculate himself from criticism Swissair would claim he was a general in the French bomb squad;; and has a history of investigating nose mishaps and that he has a friend that just died recently in a nose explosion.

    It was an act of terrorism!!!!!!

    (please note that my post is partly in sarcasm/a joke)
    You just wait until stories begin circulating about how the whole thing was a set up, he in fact underwent (yet another) plastic surgery and is off to some paradise island in the Pacific with all the money he made from the come back shows in London...

    After all, Elvis is alive and lives in a ranch in Texas, right?

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  • ATFS_Crash
    Originally posted by Verbal View Post
    His nose was the classic example of the failure of cheap composites.
    Was the manufacturer of his nose Airbus or one of its subsidiaries?

    I’m surprised that swissair isn’t here claiming that Michael Jackson’s death is an act of terrorism and that the heart attack story is just a French/Airbus conspiracy to cover up. I wouldn’t be surprised if for evidence he quoted a French tabloid article as Michael Jackson died blowing his nose; thusly swissair would translate it and assume that the context meant that Michael Jackson’s nose “exploded“; thusly proving terrorism.

    I suspect to try to inoculate himself from criticism Swissair would claim he was a general in the French bomb squad;; and has a history of investigating nose mishaps and that he has a friend that just died recently in a nose explosion.

    It was an act of terrorism!!!!!!

    (please note that my post is partly in sarcasm/a joke)

    Originally posted by wannabe_A&P_girl View Post
    I don't think Michael molested kids.
    I don’t know if he did or not. May he rest in peace if he didn’t molest kids; however if he did molest kids than may he face consequences for it in the afterlife. Let God be the ultimate judge.

    I know I certainly wouldn’t let my kids hang around with him. Would you let your kid hang around a guy that dangled his own alleged kid from several stories high balcony? Would you let your kids sleep over with a guy that likes to sleep with kids? Would you let your kids sleep over with a guy that shows children porn?

    I certainly wouldn’t let my children spend the night with a freak like Michael Jackson. If he was in my community; I would probably be gathering torches and pitchforks and demanding that law enforcement investigate and monitor his activities.

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  • Cam
    Originally posted by 11Fan View Post
    Your point is not without merit. Could you direct me to where you found that information? I think it's worth reviewing and giving it the honor it deserves.



    Note: Alex. Correct. Ed McMahon. Johnny Carson's "sidekick" and a Gentleman.

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  • 11Fan
    @ Cam

    Your point is not without merit. Could you direct me to where you found that information? I think it's worth reviewing and giving it the honor it deserves.



    Note: Alex. Correct. Ed McMahon. Johnny Carson's "sidekick" and a Gentleman.

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  • ATrude777
    Originally posted by P3_Super_Bee View Post
    Who's number 1?

    Farrah would be 2 then?
    Ed Mch guy I believe


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  • wannabe_A&P_girl
    Originally posted by Cam View Post
    These are the US Soldier deaths in Iraq for June. Did you read about them with such fan-fare?

    Micheal Jackson can the world from spinning. Who fucking cares.
    There should be fanfare for these heroes everyday.

    I think it is important for people to mourn a cultural icon. The media circus will die down in a few days.

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  • Cam
    19-Jun-2009 1 | US: 1 | UK: 0 | Other: 0
    US Specialist Chancellor A. Keesling Baghdad Non-hostile - suicide?
    16-Jun-2009 2 | US: 2 | UK: 0 | Other: 0
    US Captain Kafele H. Sims Mosul - Ninawa Non-hostile
    US Sergeant Joshua W. Soto Samawah - Muthanna Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
    13-Jun-2009 1 | US: 1 | UK: 0 | Other: 0
    US Staff Sergeant Edmond L. Lo Samarra - Salah Ad Din Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
    05-Jun-2009 1 | US: 1 | UK: 0 | Other: 0
    US Lance Corporal Robert D. Ulmer Al Anbar Province Non-hostile
    04-Jun-2009 2 | US: 2 | UK: 0 | Other: 0
    US Specialist Charles D. Parrish Balad - Diyala Hostile - hostile fire - grenade
    US Specialist Christopher M. Kurth Kirkuk - At-Ta'mim Hostile - hostile fire - grenade
    02-Jun-2009 1 | US: 1 | UK: 0 | Other: 0
    US Sergeant Justin J. Duffy Baghdad (eastern part) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack
    These are the US Soldier deaths in Iraq for June. Did you read about them with such fan-fare?

    Micheal Jackson can the world from spinning. Who fucking cares.

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  • P3_Super_Bee
    Originally posted by B757300 View Post
    TMZ is the source which says he has died.

    If Jackson is dead, then he's #3.
    Who's number 1?

    Farrah would be 2 then?

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  • wannabe_A&P_girl
    Originally posted by tommyalf View Post
    I somehow don't feel bad at all over his death. Yes he was a music legend who changed the industry and impacted an entire generation, there's no denying that. The reality is he got away with sexually abusing children and in my eyes he's a deviant like someone off the street. We make choices in our life and his could have earned him a high place in the eyes of society......but the minute you touch a child your scum.

    Rest in peace Jacko...what are you going to tell St. Peter to let you in?
    I normally agree with you on nearly everything you post, but not this time. I don't think Michael molested kids. I think he was targeted because he was super rich and the perfect person to take advantage of.
    Howeverrrrr....I do think he had a mental illness that made him believe he was still a child. From all accounts he was a good dad, but he was raising his kids like friends. I also think he had a prescription drug addiction, but the autopsy will tell all. He had a lady helping him raise the children, and I doubt that he was really able to parent effectively alone due to his physical and mental illnessed. I really feel terrible for his kids. I just read the document where the mother of the two oldest literally said they were "his kids" and not hers and that she didn't WANT to take care of them if Michael died.
    WTF? I don't understand that at all. I hope she can rest easy knowing that she sold her kids, but I guess her pillows and mattress are well padded with all of that cash.
    I just hope that Michael and his attorneys were able to safeguard his royalites so his kids have something. I am afraid that when they get to the bottom of the paperwork, it will be discovered that he has no money at all...he was just living on his name.
    Bye-bye, Sony/ATV (Beatles) catalog. He put that up as collateral.

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  • wannabe_A&P_girl
    I am completely sick and sad. This is one of those things that you can see coming from a mile away, but it is still a shock when it happens.
    I was hoping he would be successful with the so-called comeback shows for the sake of his kids. I hope someone takes care of them.

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  • tommyalf
    Originally posted by Verbal View Post
    His nose was the classic example of the failure of cheap composites.

    That's awesome!

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  • C-FMWQ
    Weird, I was flicking channels on the television and I heard it on CNN.

    Here is a link.


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  • Verbal
    His nose was the classic example of the failure of cheap composites.

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  • B757300
    Originally posted by Verbal View Post
    Any other source?
    TMZ is the source which says he has died.

    If Jackson is dead, then he's #3.

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  • Verbal
    CNN, Fox, NYT still reporting it as a possible heart attack.

    Edit: L.A. Times now reporting that he is dead.

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