Originally posted by ATFS_Crash
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I consider Tom a friend and someone who I have a lot of respect for and trust me, when I come up and hang with the NYC guys a lot worse language gets thrown around than "crap" and "shit".
He's offered to let me crash at his place and I've done the same. I think he knows it's not personal, so politely, I'll ask you to mind your own business on that subject.
As far a politics go, we've just met, but you make some wild assumptions about where I stand. You don't know me or anything about me, and all that does is expose you as a blowhard. You also show you don't have a clue what the word 'fascism' means. Fascism is the far end of the *right* side of the political spectrum (and Communism the far left). Any 9th grader can tell you that.
Now, if you want to keep taking a "shit" on a fresh corpse, well be my guest. You'll have to answer for that someday too. And on that day, you won't have thousands of Americans lining the streets to see your casket.