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The Cape Cod Orca has died

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  • AA 1818
    Of all the people, you would assume that all members of the LGBT community would have been supportive of, of for the very least respecfull of a man that had been a constant ally (and a supporter of LGBT rights legislation). What's the saying - 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'? Well, instead of volleying accusations, let me support my sentiments with facts...

    Unlike other politicians, Kennedy never wavered in his support of gay marriage, voting against the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and an anti-gay federal marriage amendment. DOMA was signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

    In a January 12, 2005, speech at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., Kennedy said, "On the issue of gay rights, I continue to strongly support civil marriage. We cannot - and should not - require any religion or any church to accept gay marriage. But it is wrong for our civil laws to deny any American the basic right to be part of a family, to have loved ones with whom to build a future and share life's joys and tears, and to be free from the stain of bigotry and discrimination."

    Just recently, Kennedy was planning to introduce a bill to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and he was a strong supporter of a federal hate crimes act that would protect gays and lesbians. Gay blogger Joe Jervis wrote this brief tribute to Kennedy:

    "This is a tremendous loss for the nation, losing what many Americans, including myself, consider to have been the greatest elected official of our lifetimes. We salute you, Mr. Kennedy. Every gay person in America owes you our everlasting gratitude."
    Gay advocates will remember the Massachusetts senator most recently for standing behind a trans-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Bill, a cause he reignited earlier this year. In his remaining weeks in office, and despite an absence on the Hill, Kennedy and his staff was also involved in generating support for a Senate-led repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.
    And perhaps the most endearing quote also comes from queerty as well, in:

    Was he a perfect politician? Of course not, but God has yet to make one. Kennedy was a voice for gay America when there was no other inside the halls of Washington.
    So, to my dear Tom - which are you? An Ingrate? Or, unwise to the career of this great man and how he personally affected your life? Either way - you seem not intelligent enough to hold a decent conversation on the topic...

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  • screaming_emu
    Originally posted by Tanner_J View Post
    An excerpt from the CNN article on his funeral service.

    "Kennedy lived up to the ideals of three older brothers, all of whom died young -- Joseph in WWII, President John and Sen. Robert assassinated -- his son said.

    "He answered Uncle Joe's call to patriotism, Uncle Jck's call to public service and Bobby's determination to seek a newer world.

    "Unlike them, he lived to be a grandfather, and knowing what my cousins have been through, I feel grateful that I have had my father as long as I did," Ted Jr. said.

    My father was not perfect, but he believed in redemption," he said.

    The reason I post this? To show that he had family that loved him. To show that millions respected him. If you go on to read the article, some of his biggest competitors in the political spectrum were there to honor him, no matter what they really have felt about him throughout the years.

    God forbid you lose someone very close to you. When you're feeling down and your mourning their death, just think of Kennedy's family and how they just went through the exact same thing you are, and hopefully you'll realize how disrespectful you have been. Like the saying goes "until you've walked in their shoes..."
    I don't often agree with what Tanner has to say, but a gigantic "yeah that"

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    Ah, back on the old fascist accusation bandwagon are we? For somebody who declares himself (!) to be so intelligent you really need to broaden your repertoire.

    Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post
    Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post
    Unlike you I am better educated and more intelligent than a brainwashed ninth grader.
    The word 'thusly' is not in common usage here in Australia - after all the word 'thus' conveys the same, so I looked the word up:

    I particularly like this bit:

    "Usage Note: Thusly was introduced in the 19th century as an alternative to thus in sentences such as Hold it thus or He put it thus. It appears to have first been used by humorists, who may have been echoing the speech of poorly educated people straining to sound stylish."

    Ah, you are a laugh a minute mate, keep it up I really appreciate your modesty and humour!

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  • Alex - Spot-This !
    Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post
    However the origins of fascism is the Nazis ...
    Only with that sentence it proves you have NO IDEA about history and fascism in general... so yes going back to school could be a good idea or...
    It'll be time maybe to pack and go live in a real fascist country... and stop insulting all those who really had to suffer from real fascist governement...

    And on another note, if you're ever making a book about basic brainwash propaganda I think you're on the right track...

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    Tom, I'd love to have a beer with you and talk politics next time one of us is in town.

    Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post
    You have mental problems.

    Your reply was nothing but 'I know you are but what am I', not that I expected anything else. Listen, cut the nonsense. I dont have time to argue with keyboard cowboys. If you really believe anything you just said, you know how to contact me. I travel a lot so maybe we can meet up and we'll see what you have to say.
    Last edited by SPOT THIS; 2009-08-30, 13:53.

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  • Tanner_J
    An excerpt from the CNN article on his funeral service.

    "Kennedy lived up to the ideals of three older brothers, all of whom died young -- Joseph in WWII, President John and Sen. Robert assassinated -- his son said.

    "He answered Uncle Joe's call to patriotism, Uncle Jck's call to public service and Bobby's determination to seek a newer world.

    "Unlike them, he lived to be a grandfather, and knowing what my cousins have been through, I feel grateful that I have had my father as long as I did," Ted Jr. said.

    My father was not perfect, but he believed in redemption," he said.

    The reason I post this? To show that he had family that loved him. To show that millions respected him. If you go on to read the article, some of his biggest competitors in the political spectrum were there to honor him, no matter what they really have felt about him throughout the years.

    God forbid you lose someone very close to you. When you're feeling down and your mourning their death, just think of Kennedy's family and how they just went through the exact same thing you are, and hopefully you'll realize how disrespectful you have been. Like the saying goes "until you've walked in their shoes..."

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  • ATFS_Crash
    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    I would think his work towards peace in Northern Ireland, which undoubtedly saved thousands of lives, would be taken into consideration.
    Kennedy may have done a lot of grandstanding (trying to take credit for making peace in Northern Ireland); however he did very little to make an actual peace.

    In an odd way bin Laden had more to do with bringing peace in Ireland than Kennedy. September 11 brought home to the IRA that terrorism was only making their conditions and bigotry worse. September 11 largely made the IRA move away from terrorism and toward relative peace and doing battle in politics rather than with bloodshed.
    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    Or Meals on Wheels, AIDS research, other medical research, cancer research, nutrition programs for pregnant women and children, expanded uninsurance to the unemployed, occupational safety regulations. That's just the first few items brought to this nation by Senator Kennedy.
    Kennedy ( Obama, Robert Byrd, Barney Frank, Al Gore, and other fascist liberals) are largely responsible for the decline in the economy; thusly they are largely responsible for more people being uninsured, unemployed and the dismal state of our education system. They are largely responsible for more people being dependent on things like Meals on Wheels. Some of the nutritional programs have gone fascist and have become partly counterproductive. Take for instance the war on fat; the government is trying to deny our children fatty foods which is necessary for good brain development; which might explain your apparently low IQ.
    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    Attend college on a Pell Grant? I did. He helped make that possible too.
    Kennedy ( Obama, Robert Byrd, Barney Frank, Al Gore, and other fascist liberals) are largely responsible for less people being able to afford higher education.

    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    But you seem hung up on this one incident, 40 years ago. If you were even born yet, you were a baby then. You're not related to the Kopechne family, so you have no reason to be so bitter about this other than blind partisan political reasons.
    Using your “reasoning” there is no reason to remember Hitler and Nazi-ism as the evil they were. Using your fascist “reasoning” telling the truth and keeping an accurate account of history is being “hung up“.

    Forgive us if we are “hung up” on telling the truth and keeping an accurate account of history.

    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    Sometimes politics need to stop. One of those times is someone's passing. …You can hate a man's politics, but when you hate the man it might be time to cool your jets.
    Hypocrisy. You’re the one that needs to cool your jets. You’re the one that is being uncivilized by using childish foul mouth hotheaded language.

    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    As a friend, I'm asking you to take a step back and have a really good think if this shit might be eating away at you too much.
    It sounds like you’re the one that needs to ask yourself your own question.

    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    You don't know me or anything about me, and all that does is expose you as a blowhard.
    On the contrary. Your posts have already proven yourself to be an uncivilized hotheaded blowhard.

    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    You also show you don't have a clue what the word 'fascism' means. Fascism is the far end of the *right* side of the political spectrum (and Communism the far left). Any 9th grader can tell you that.
    On the contrary. Fascism can be on the left and the right. However the origins of fascism is the Nazis and Fascisti are largely socialists that ran on the liberal agenda.

    Unlike you I am better educated and more intelligent than a brainwashed ninth grader.

    Fascists like yourself and Kennedy and your obsession with dishonestly rewriting history to advance your political agenda are largely responsible for the miss nomenclature (redefining) the word fascism.

    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    Now, if you want to keep taking a "shit" on a fresh corpse, well be my guest.
    You’re the one that is full and flinging manure. You’re a very uncivilized ignorant hothead.

    Originally posted by Tanner_J View Post
    Really? Why do I picture you as some old fat bearded man living in a cabin in the woods all alone surrounded by guns, constantly looking out your window because you're paranoid the Government's going to come get you. Seriously dude, get a life.
    Apparently because you’re a hateful shallow minded bigoted person. Get a life "dude".

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  • Tanner_J
    Really? Why do I picture you as some old fat bearded man living in a cabin in the woods all alone surrounded by guns, constantly looking out your window because you're paranoid the Government's going to come get you. Seriously dude, get a life.

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    Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post

    I think SPOT THIS also demonstrates the unfriendly uncivilized mob mentality that is prevalent on this message board.
    Are you kidding me?

    I consider Tom a friend and someone who I have a lot of respect for and trust me, when I come up and hang with the NYC guys a lot worse language gets thrown around than "crap" and "shit".

    He's offered to let me crash at his place and I've done the same. I think he knows it's not personal, so politely, I'll ask you to mind your own business on that subject.

    As far a politics go, we've just met, but you make some wild assumptions about where I stand. You don't know me or anything about me, and all that does is expose you as a blowhard. You also show you don't have a clue what the word 'fascism' means. Fascism is the far end of the *right* side of the political spectrum (and Communism the far left). Any 9th grader can tell you that.

    Now, if you want to keep taking a "shit" on a fresh corpse, well be my guest. You'll have to answer for that someday too. And on that day, you won't have thousands of Americans lining the streets to see your casket.
    Last edited by SPOT THIS; 2009-08-30, 12:36.

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    Originally posted by tommyalf View Post
    Are you ready to face your maker for your deeds?
    I'd like to think so, but that's for the Lord to decide. Just like the Lord will judge Ted Kennedy, not you.

    I would think his work towards peace in Northern Ireland, which undoubtedly saved thousands of lives, would be taken into consideration. Or Meals on Wheels, AIDS research, other medical research, cancer research, nutrition programs for pregnant women and children, expanded uninsurance to the unemployed, occupational safety regulations. That's just the first few items brought to this nation by Senator Kennedy.

    Attend college on a Pell Grant? I did. He helped make that possible too.

    But you seem hung up on this one incident, 40 years ago. If you were even born yet, you were a baby then. You're not related to the Kopechne family, so you have no reason to be so bitter about this other than blind partisan political reasons.

    Sometimes politics need to stop. One of those times is someone's passing. And you can be damn sure if it were the other way around and a Republican died, and I caught a Democrat saying anything nasty and hateful like you said, I'd be the first to speak up too.

    You can hate a man's politics, but when you hate the man it might be time to cool your jets.

    As a friend, I'm asking you to take a step back and have a really good think if this shit might be eating away at you too much.

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  • ATFS_Crash
    Originally posted by Tanner_J View Post
    You post something you know is going to be controversial and get bent out of shape when people respond to you.
    Hypocrisy. He seems quite calm and civilized compared to you and others. Once again you when others have demonstrated that the jet photos net forum’s motto is very much the antithesis of the reality. A more honest get photos net forum motto would be the unfriendly uncivilized way to fly. Your accusation is dishonest and hypocritical because your post demonstrate that you are bent out of shape.

    I think SPOT THIS also demonstrates the unfriendly uncivilized mob mentality that is prevalent on this message board.
    Originally posted by SPOT THIS View Post
    Tom, come on man...shit. The guy isn’t even buried yet and you're taking a crap on him. Have your political views overtaken your humanity?

    The fact that you're holding a grudge over something that happened 40 years ago that you had absolutely no involvement with says more about you than it does Ted Kennedy.
    tommyalf is merely being truthful and moral. Now I understand why people like you are so eager to embrace fascism; it’s because you don’t hold a “grudge” against what fascism can often lead to.

    Originally posted by Tanner_J View Post
    You can have your opinion about them, but keep it to yourself.
    How fascist and hypocritical. You feel you have the right to express your opinion; and you feel you have the right to suppress other peoples opinion.

    Originally posted by Tanner_J View Post
    A man died. A man who has done a lot of good for this country has died.
    Kennedy did a lot more evil than he did good. Kennedy was a murdering alcoholic that is largely responsible for bankrupting this country morally and financially. Kennedy is one of the ones that advocated the reckless spending and heavy taxation that triggered the loan crisis; the crash at our economy; the swelling unemployment; the reduction in health insurance; the reduction of values of stocks and equity in our homes. Kennedy and his mob are largely responsible for the decline of the US as a superpower; militarily, economically and technologically. Ted Kennedy is largely responsible for the looming crisis and possible collapse of Social Security and Medicare.

    Originally posted by Tanner_J View Post
    Show your respect and move on. You may not agree with him, you may not like him, but show respect to his friends and family, because they just lost someone near and dear to their hearts.
    Showing final respects for Kennedy would be much like showing final respects for Hitler.
    Originally posted by Tanner_J View Post
    I didn't know Kennedy, nor did I follow his career, but he was a fellow human being and I respect his family that is dealing with tragic loss. Sure he made mistakes and did some bad things, but once again he was another human being. Let's say your mother was drunk and killed someone. How would you feel about her? Would you be going on a rant about how she was horrible and how grateful you were that she's dead because she killed someone. I doubt it.
    Once again like a fascist cult follower, you seem to care more about the dead than you do about the living. One of the best ways to honor the dead and the living is to tell the truth. You don’t want to tell the truth or let other people tell the truth; you want to make an embellishment and make Kennedy look like a saint. Kennedy was a hatemonger, and an alcoholic and is largely responsible for the moral and financial decline in this country; I think it’s important that that remains part of the record.

    You’re trying to rewrite history. Part of the value of history is being able to learn from the mistakes from history so you don’t repeat the mistakes. You want to embellish ( rewrite history) thereby you are enabling and encouraging the repeating and the ongoing failures and moral and financial decline.

    I just do not speak of the good things my parents did; I also speak of the bad things that they did. Unlike you I think the truth and history is important. Unlike you I think accuracy is important.

    Apparently you think it’s okay for a fascist liberal to kill one of their “friends” in a drunk driving accident; then fleeing the scene of the accident; apparently trying to cover-up the accident; and then apparently trying to use money, fame, and political power to avoid consequences for his own actions (which is cronyism).

    Yet you think it’s wrong for someone to criticize such morally bankrupt behavior.

    I suppose you want to just talk about all the good things that Hitler did and ignore the vast majority of evil that Hitler did.
    Originally posted by AA 1818 View Post
    And exactly what have you done for this country that can parallel to what Mr. Kennedy has done? Tom, you are simply as insignificant as your insults.
    Kennedy is largely responsible for bankrupting this country financially and morally. So if Tom’s contributions are insignificant compared to this significant destruction that Kennedy has done; then that means Tom’s contributions is relatively in the good.

    Kennedy was an greedy babbling idiotic alcoholic hatemonger. I love that speech he makes and apparently he forgets what he’s talking about but he keeps on talking with a fervor of Hitler. The audience ( his cult followers) cheered him on even though his speech was imbecilic babbling. Much like Hitler’s followers that didn’t analyze much what was behind Hitler’s speeches they just got caught up in the fascist fervor (the enthusiasm; the speech patterns; and the body language). I think most of Kennedy’s followers are much like Obama’s and Hitler’s followers. I love the speech that Kennedy babbled like a brook because the zeal of cheers and applause that followed proved that his followers are mindless cultists.

    I find it funny and hypocritical that some criticize Tom for going on a rant; yet his “rant” was well-founded; yet you support Ted Kennedy which often went on hateful, unfounded, babbling alcoholic rants.

    It's frightening that some of you are apparently pathological liars. You're trying to rewrite history to make Kennedy look like a saint. He may have done some good; but in my opinion the vast majority of what he did was evil.

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  • Tanner_J
    You're cool. You post something you know is going to be controversial and get bent out of shape when people respond to you.

    Even though he's dead he was still human. You can have your opinion about them, but keep it to yourself. A man died. A man who has done a lot of good for this country has died. Show your respect and move on. You may not agree with him, you may not like him, but show respect to his friends and family, because they just lost someone near and dear to their hearts.

    I didn't know Kennedy, nor did I follow his career, but he was a fellow human being and I respect his family that is dealing with tragic loss. Sure he made mistakes and did some bad things, but once again he was another human being. Let's say your mother was drunk and killed someone. How would you feel about her? Would you be going on a rant about how she was horrible and how grateful you were that she's dead because she killed someone. I doubt it.

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  • tommyalf
    Originally posted by Tanner_J View Post

    Drunk driving laws never really took effect until 1987 when a car went head on into a school bus on I-71 just west of Carrollton, KY. The bus exploded, killing everyone inside. The driver lived.

    Forty years ago drunk driving laws weren't what they are today. Get over it, you had nothing to do with it. The fact that you're holding a grudge and displaying it on an internet forum (about aviation, nonetheless) is pathetic.

    What about all the good the man has done? I'm sure you're gonna say "what good," but then again if he wasn't doing something right he wouldn't have kept getting re-elected.

    People screw up in life and make bad decisions. I'm sure you've never done that though.
    Tanner before opening your mouth about laws perhaps you should go read the laws that were in effect then. One, he wasn't found guilty of drunk driving since he wasn't taken to authorities until the next morning. Which btw is plenty of time to sober up. So any evidence of that was gone. However friends of Ted told investigators he was drinking. is and was then a felony to leave the scene of a fatal accident which he was charged with, tried for, but got a slap on the wrist. He should have been charged with Vehicular manslaughter which is exactly what he committed, oh and btw was a crime then. I'm guessing history and law weren't majors of yours.

    As far as making bad decisions in my life...any bad decision I made didn't involve taking the life of someone.

    Tanner lots of bad politicians did "good" during their careers, still doesn't make it right to call them heroes and hold them up like they are. Take Nixon, he did a tremendous amount for this nation but was vilified for years, more so then Kennedy ever was. However I don't expect you to know your U.S History. Its OK though I forgive you for what you don't know.

    Tanner btw this is an off topic forum where lots of issue having NOTHING to do with aviation are discussed.

    I will say I do enjoy the blind liberalism here. The left is always so entertaining. Adios can flame me as you wish while I'm on vaca the next few days.
    Last edited by tommyalf; 2009-08-30, 02:44.

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  • Tanner_J

    Drunk driving laws never really took effect until 1987 when a car went head on into a school bus on I-71 just west of Carrollton, KY. The bus exploded, killing everyone inside. The driver lived.

    Forty years ago drunk driving laws weren't what they are today. Get over it, you had nothing to do with it. The fact that you're holding a grudge and displaying it on an internet forum (about aviation, nonetheless) is pathetic.

    What about all the good the man has done? I'm sure you're gonna say "what good," but then again if he wasn't doing something right he wouldn't have kept getting re-elected.

    People screw up in life and make bad decisions. I'm sure you've never done that though.

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