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Petition: un-ban IntheShade

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  • Petition: un-ban IntheShade

    Please respond to this thread with all the reasons you think our resident International Super Genius Pilot of the Millennium, IntheShade, should have his permanent ban from lifted.

    Okay, I'll start.

    Tales of derring-do in the Great Lakes.

  • #2
    I dislike that we now have to get our creationist propaganda from adbots.

    I also would appreciate his take on buttsex, but in a completely heterosexual way.
    May a plethora of uncultivated palaeontologists raise the dead in a way that makes your blood boil


    • #3
      Tough question.

      Sure, we are overdue for an infusion of genious.

      But, ITS is not really allowed to function here.

      Plus, the majority of the forumites here become agitated and sometimes use the word "pwned".
      Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


      • #4
        Because no one knows early 20th century gyrodyne technology like Shady does.


        • #5
          From biplanes to cutting edge jets IntheShade is the most insightful member Jetphotos has ever had.

          The only people who don't get him are the ones who can't backtaxi, gay it up, or use MSFS joysticks.

          In other words Frenchmen or Airbus apologetic technicians.

          Please put a real pilot back on the forum instead of all the speculators.


          • #6
            You don't abandon such incredible, diverse knowledge without abandoning your ability to learn. The man knows some shit, and shares it when asked (or not, whatever). I've asked him a couple of direct questions and gotten answers I had to think about. That's f'in good in my book. I vote bring him back with a star.


            • #7
              For his knowledge of Fortran? ...just kidding!
              The man is an encyclopedia. I don't care if he post with bold words or what... And for those who oppose, just put him on your ignore list, thank you.


              • #8
                To see him plss off the regulars. Most enjoyable.
                Ancient Mariner
                Certified above and below...................sea level.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TheRealAncientMarine View Post
                  To see him plss off the regulars. Most enjoyable.

                  Other than that he would up the IQ average considerably.
                  Last edited by el; 2009-09-29, 13:42. Reason: sp
                  warning: this post may contain traces of irony.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by PHLY Girl View Post
                    From biplanes to cutting edge jets IntheShade is the most insightful member Jetphotos has ever had.

                    The only people who don't get him are the ones who can't backtaxi, gay it up, or use MSFS joysticks.

                    In other words Frenchmen or Airbus apologetic technicians.

                    Please put a real pilot back on the forum instead of all the speculators.
                    You never told us what that endorsement was.
                    Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


                    • #11
                      I support this. Allow him to come back.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Apooh View Post
                        I support this. Allow him to come back.
                        You say stuff like this, yet insist that you are not an AD old-timer.

                        Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


                        • #13
                          ITS is an encyclopedia of aviation as much as McDonalds is a reference in gastronomy.

                          BTW do you guys all get free BJ for starting this ?


                          • #14
                            You have it all wrong Omar.

                            The "followers of ITS" happen to enjoy having fun AND talking aviation.

                            It really is that simple and it really is that lacking here.
                            Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 3WE View Post
                              You have it all wrong Omar.

                              The "followers of ITS" happen to enjoy having fun AND talking aviation.

                              It really is that simple and it really is that lacking here.
                              His posts on the AF crash were : insulting (to the victims - those got erased quickly but he posted them even before we knew the plane crashed...) - totally wrong - racist

                              Many time he got warned. For sure he knew some stuff about aviation but you have to know something outside american aviation if you want to pretend knowing something. He didn't, except having a pure ridiculous hate about everything coming from Airbus. He made himself stupid the only time he tried to post in the "name that aircraft" forum where you really have guys knowing something.
                              And about pilots we do have quiet a few in the forum who are ready to have a normal attitude and who bring us all the infos we need but they are not in the "off topic" forum playing with keyboard cowboys...

                              And if you lack fun, just read ATFS posts, they are the biggest joke around.


