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Way Over Your Heads--The Fake Moon Landings

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  • Way Over Your Heads--The Fake Moon Landings

    So I have long felt there has been something quite curiously wrong with the Moon Landings.

    Yes I do think we landed on the moon but for some reason there seems to be a high level of fakery. Fakery that I think continues to this day from NASA.

    Here is a set of articles. They are quite long but very interesting. Although I do not agree with the author who is a "Mystery Cult" follower, I do agree that he has uncovered a very important aspect of the falsehoods and trickery being put out by NASA and others.

    So here is the first article:

    So now we know the origins of the iniitials HAL. Interestingly HAL is also one letter off from the computer giant logo IBM. Coincidence? I doubt it.

  • #2
    This is where it really starts to get strange. There are to many paralells in timing, techniques, equipment.

    The film 2001 was a studio production so far ahead of anything else at the time that it continues to be hard to understand. It is also still one of the most technically correct space movies made for the public. It is interesting that in the age of computer generated effects the Kubric 60's special effects still look much more real, almost documentary.

    But there is more....


    • #3
      Once you seel out it's forever:

      And the price is high.

      Kubric became a very troubled person later in life, obsesive about the Govt. and a somewhat outsider to the movie industry.

      So do these articles point to a coverup? Strangely yes, as I will point out later.


      • #4


        • #5
          Originally posted by B757300 View Post
          Less then 15 minutes after the original post went up. I doubt you took the time to read the articles.



          • #6
            I've heard it all before.

            It is nothing but conspiracy theory garbage.


            • #7
              This is new technology?

              An invisibility cloak seems perfectly believable in the magical world of Harry Potter, but in the real world, it's impossible, right? Not so fast.

              Nope. It the same technology described in article #2 as the process used by Kubrick to film the backdrop for the lunar surfaces.

              So is there evidence of it's use in the moon landings? You bet. With nothing more than a PC and a good knowledge of photoshop and filters the moon images can be analyzed; and have been. If you read the last pages of article #2 you read the efforts of some guy who thinks there are glass objects which have been hidden in the photographs. What he is actually picking up are the glass beads in the reflective material used for the backdrops onto which backgrounds were projected.

              Is this enough to point to a coverup? Perhaps.

              But this certainly is: The moon landings by the Americans are the pinnacle of the industrial age. Placing a man on the moon is the culmination of all scientific thinking and engineering skill. All things returned from the moon are National treasures and worth more than gold and diamonds.

              So what happened to the ORIGINAL photographs and movies? THEY WERE RECENTLY DESTROYED!

              Although this should be a National scandal, it isn't. Why? Because the tools are now in the hand of the common man to analyze the film. In doing so the then cutting edge 1960's special effects would come to light.

              The only way to cover this up was to make the original films seem destroyed while making digitally remixed versions open to the public.


              Most of the public swallows this imitation spoon fed drivel because they have forgotten how to think for themselves.

              But there is more.


              • #8
                Originally posted by B757300 View Post
                I've heard it all before.

                It is nothing but conspiracy theory garbage.
                Dipshit, I doubt you've heard any of what is being discussed.

                Since you didn't read the articles and have nothing to contribute just leave for something more your speed like MSFS or a trip report about some SouthWest flight in which you occupied seat 32B. They are alot more your speed.

                Or maybe ask for me to be banned from the website since you are such a "moral compass" for anything on this website.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by B757300 View Post

                  [quote=PHLY Girl;530519] This is where it really starts to get strange. [quote]

                  The only thing strange about this stuff is that people who can often show remarkably sound judgement and common sense are sold on it.

                  BTW... did you notice that you messpilt parallel?... the word has toooo parallel lines in the midell of it but not many people know that because there's been a spilleng cinsporacy ever sins 1969 when 5th Dimension releezed there album Age of Aquarius...

                  Could this be coincidence? I don't think so and I'm gonna show you why....

                  First Moon landing = 1969, The Age of Aquarius = 1969 and if you turn 1969 upside down you get b9b1 which is hexadecimal for (decimal) 47,537.

                  And here's where it gets really weird: type in 47537 on a calculator and turn it upside down and you get LESLh which is the code for the name of the person responsible for the fake Lufthansa moon landing outtakes in the film Capricorn One (Les LH) that no-one ever saw!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Did these revelations blow my mind or what! Ponder on them and you too might be as enlightened as me

                  Sorry PHLY Girl... I'm not laughing at you or your beliefs, but don't you think there's something just a little bit strange about the obsession that people tend to have over conspiracy theories? ... maybe it's a conspiracy to have everyone believing that it's all a big conspiracy?
                  Last edited by HB-IHC; 2009-10-11, 21:42.

                  All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last (Marcel Proust)


                  • #10

                    First Moon landing = 1969, The Age of Aquarius = 1969 and if you turn 1969 upside down you get b9b1 which is hexadecimal for (decimal) 47,537.

                    And here's where it gets really weird: type in 47537 on a calculator and turn it upside down and you get LESLh which is the code for the name of the person responsible for the fake Lufthansa moon landing outtakes in the film Capricorn One (Les LH) that no-one ever saw!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Just love it!!

                    EDIT: And yeah, PHLY Girl, you're beating a dead horse...
                    Last edited by ZilogMan; 2009-10-11, 22:06. Reason: ...just to add stuff


                    • #11
                      I think we have found ATFS Crash's Dream date
                      Robin Guess Aviation Historian, Photographer, Web Designer.



                      • #12
                        Come on, there was nothing compelling in those articles. It's just more tin-foil hat hogwash.


                        • #13
                          Did someone say tinfoil hat?


                          • #14
                            I also have evidence that all BigFoot films are faked also.


                            • #15
                              People may not realize that the Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter spacecraft in orbit around the moon in recent months has actually photographed most of the Apollo landing sites, with evidence of the missions there, eg. LEM descent stages still in place, lunar rover tracks etc.

