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A Special Message From My Husband

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  • A Special Message From My Husband

  • #2
    Honey I washed the dress after I wore it. I had a little post dinner gas, you know? I put the wig back on the cat. I love you sweetie.


    • #3
      How'd you get a picture of my grandmother?


      • #4
        I was hoping for a "hello".

        In bold font of course.

        But, I suppose that the message is understandable.

        So, what else can one say but Indeed and Concur
        Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


        • #5


          • #6
            Originally posted by PHLY Girl View Post
            That's not very civilized or mature, now is it?

            So you're giving yourself the finger? Geriatric porn?

            After all you're a hater aren't you? Apparently those of you that are spamming/shiling to try to get ITS back apparently have a mob mentality. It seems that you favor uncivilized bullying behavior. You seem to enjoy racist comments/jokes; like allegedly insinuating that the French are cavemen, dumb, etc.... I'm a Boeing fan also; and I take an occasional joking jab at the competition; however I try not to go too far. I try to stay an adult and professional and civilized; I try not to cross the line of slander and harassment. Whereas many of you that are supporting ITS seem to think it's okay to make racist, harassing and slanderous comments and to bully people and to whine and throw temper tantrums when you don't get your way. Typical juvenile behavior that I would expect from an immature spoiled brat.

            I think it's okay to have legitimate concerns, criticisms and suspicions of composites and some of Airbuses designs; however I don't think it's okay when it seems to turn into a smear campaign.

            It seems you want to tear down anyone that is civilized and praise anyone that isn't.

            Get professional psychiatric help and grow up.

            Joking is fine. However when it is mean-spirited, unfounded at the expense of others is not. IMAO


            • #7
              I'm a Boeing fan also; snipped, I try to stay an adult and professional and civilized
              Now there's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one. Verbie, comments please.
              Ancient Mariner
              Certified above and below...................sea level.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post
                That's not very civilized or mature, now is it?

                So you're giving yourself the finger? Geriatric porn?

                After all you're a hater aren't you? Apparently those of you that are spamming/shiling to try to get ITS back apparently have a mob mentality. It seems that you favor uncivilized bullying behavior. You seem to enjoy racist comments/jokes; like allegedly insinuating that the French are cavemen, dumb, etc.... I'm a Boeing fan also; and I take an occasional joking jab at the competition; however I try not to go too far. I try to stay an adult and professional and civilized; I try not to cross the line of slander and harassment. Whereas many of you that are supporting ITS seem to think it's okay to make racist, harassing and slanderous comments and to bully people and to whine and throw temper tantrums when you don't get your way. Typical juvenile behavior that I would expect from an immature spoiled brat.

                I think it's okay to have legitimate concerns, criticisms and suspicions of composites and some of Airbuses designs; however I don't think it's okay when it seems to turn into a smear campaign.

                It seems you want to tear down anyone that is civilized and praise anyone that isn't.

                Get professional psychiatric help and grow up.

                Joking is fine. However when it is mean-spirited, unfounded at the expense of others is not. IMAO
                Originally posted by W.Churchill
                -This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.
                Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post
                  That's not very civilized or mature, now is it?

                  So you're giving yourself the finger? Geriatric porn?

                  After all you're a hater aren't you? Apparently those of you that are spamming/shiling to try to get ITS back apparently have a mob mentality. It seems that you favor uncivilized bullying behavior. You seem to enjoy racist comments/jokes; like allegedly insinuating that the French are cavemen, dumb, etc.... I'm a Boeing fan also; and I take an occasional joking jab at the competition; however I try not to go too far. I try to stay an adult and professional and civilized; I try not to cross the line of slander and harassment. Whereas many of you that are supporting ITS seem to think it's okay to make racist, harassing and slanderous comments and to bully people and to whine and throw temper tantrums when you don't get your way. Typical juvenile behavior that I would expect from an immature spoiled brat.

                  I think it's okay to have legitimate concerns, criticisms and suspicions of composites and some of Airbuses designs; however I don't think it's okay when it seems to turn into a smear campaign.

                  It seems you want to tear down anyone that is civilized and praise anyone that isn't.

                  Get professional psychiatric help and grow up.

                  Joking is fine. However when it is mean-spirited, unfounded at the expense of others is not. IMAO

                  This is the worlds smallest violin. It is only played by Angels when people like you find time to cry because they are not smart enough to seperate themsleves from the internet.


                  • #10
                    In triplicate.

                    What is going on?


                    • #11
                      I only got as far as geriatric porn. It was pretty hot.
                      May a plethora of uncultivated palaeontologists raise the dead in a way that makes your blood boil


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Princess Leia View Post
                        I only got as far as geriatric porn. It was pretty hot.
                        We aim to please.
                        Ancient Mariner
                        Certified above and below...................sea level.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TheRealAncientMarine View Post
                          Verbie, comments please.
                          I am at a loss for words.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ATFS_Crash View Post
                            That's not very civilized or mature, now is it?

                            So you're giving yourself the finger? Geriatric porn?

                            After all you're a hater aren't you? Apparently those of you that are spamming/shiling to try to get ITS back apparently have a mob mentality. It seems that you favor uncivilized bullying behavior. You seem to enjoy racist comments/jokes; like allegedly insinuating that the French are cavemen, dumb, etc.... I'm a Boeing fan also; and I take an occasional joking jab at the competition; however I try not to go too far. I try to stay an adult and professional and civilized; I try not to cross the line of slander and harassment. Whereas many of you that are supporting ITS seem to think it's okay to make racist, harassing and slanderous comments and to bully people and to whine and throw temper tantrums when you don't get your way. Typical juvenile behavior that I would expect from an immature spoiled brat.

                            I think it's okay to have legitimate concerns, criticisms and suspicions of composites and some of Airbuses designs; however I don't think it's okay when it seems to turn into a smear campaign.

                            It seems you want to tear down anyone that is civilized and praise anyone that isn't.

                            Get professional psychiatric help and grow up.

                            Joking is fine. However when it is mean-spirited, unfounded at the expense of others is not. IMAO
                            dude... you are melting down faster than a Kilroy server farm
                            Proudly serving WTF comments since 2004


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Verbal View Post
                              I am at a loss for words.
                              Maybe you should talk to der Herr Dr. von Verbal?
                              Ancient Mariner
                              Certified above and below...................sea level.

