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The Storm of the Century, Decade, Year, Week, whatever

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  • The Storm of the Century, Decade, Year, Week, whatever

    Well whatever the media is calling it this Nor’easter is looking to be one for the records books. It's been snowing since early evening here on Long Island and it's not going to stop for the next 24 hours! Personally I'm looking forward to it. It's not often I have an excuse to do absolutely nothing, but that's exactly what I'll be doing tomorrow. Maybe if I'm up to it I'll venture out get some good pics. Keep the server up Chris I'll need something to do tomorrow. Have fun in the snow!

  • #2

    We have 3-4 inches of ICE here. The weather last night for a couple of hours was absolutely incredible -- thunder and lightning, sheeting freezing rain falling in 40-50kt winds. One of the most amazing things I've ever seen!
    Trump is an idiot!
    Vote Democrats!!


    • #3
      That's sounds like some storm Chris! 4 to 5 inches of ice wow.

      Well I just got done clearing my driveway, I'm sure I'll be out their later, thank god for snow blowers. There's about 15 inches of snow on the ground and it still coming. Once I warm up I'm going to venture down to the water and take some pics.


      • #4
        On my deck there was at least 2 ft. probably more. Our governor, Ehrlich said nobody could go on state roads yesterday, or you would pay $1000 or jail. But on the plus side there is no school in the forseeable future


        • #5
          Those guys at weather channel are super-ultra weather paronoid
          Check out my photos at!


          • #6
            Yeah I am stuck here in the hotel with 2 feet of snow in D.C.



            • #7
              Well, in the Swiss news they said, that the storm over Northeastern part of the USA is the biggest of the last 150 years

              Good luck to you all

              My photos on Flickr


              • #8
                I don't think that it's the biggest of the last 150 years but I have not been in a storm like this since I moved to California from Sweden.



                • #9
                  Thought I'd share a pic with you I posted on the other forum:

                  Location is about 15 miles north of NYC. When it was finally finished, the snow was up to just under the mirrors.

                  It's three days later and I'm still digging out.

