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Would you mind if I post some news....

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  • Would you mind if I post some news....

    Just wondering that would all of the people here minds me to post the news about airline industries (plus other breaking news)?

    I'm trying to use my own personal words to post the news, but sometimes some PR will be posted to back up (like what I did on

    So I'm doing a poll here, and please be serious about this, because I don't want to hear lots of moans and complaints when they voted "NO".

    Comments welcome!

    Um, just made a little changes to this post, if you noticed it.
    Airline Route News
    Airline Route Map Drawings

  • #2
    I think it's a great idea Jim, but in your poll you worded it "would you mind” so if I answered yes then I would be saying no I don't want you to post news. So I'm voting "No" I don't mind you posting news I think it will bring allot to the forum.


    • #3
      Post all the news you want as long as you can without copyright infringements. I ran into the problem before.


      • #4
        Why not? It's fun to discuss the news.


        • #5
          Well, I'm just thinking that some people may be bothered with my "tons of news" items, like what I did today... :P
          Airline Route News
          Airline Route Map Drawings


          • #6

            Jim, you seem to be a fan of Air New Zealand. When was the last time you flew on one of their B744s? What are they like inside? Last time I flew ANZ was 6 years ago on a long-haul flight in bizzy class. It was really nice. Great food. I'm a kiwi myself.

            Are they good now? How's inflight entertainment and all that?

            Thanks. Richard


            • #7
              Well, I never flew ANZ, but my first plane model was an Air New Zealand B747-400

              ANZ has successfully recovered from the Ansett disaster. x2 So I really doubted is there a need for ANZ to team-up with Qantas.

              Originally posted by Richard

              Jim, you seem to be a fan of Air New Zealand. When was the last time you flew on one of their B744s? What are they like inside? Last time I flew ANZ was 6 years ago on a long-haul flight in bizzy class. It was really nice. Great food. I'm a kiwi myself.

              Are they good now? How's inflight entertainment and all that?

              Thanks. Richard
              Airline Route News
              Airline Route Map Drawings


              • #8

                Yeah I have a pair of ANZ 747-400 models. One is the old-colors Big Bird 1:500 scale B744 (reg. ZK-NBS) and the other is a new-colors Gemini 1:400 scale B744 (reg. ZK-NBT). I love their color shemes!

                What model(s) do you have?


                • #9

                  I got the old plastic one. No Registration, 1:250.
                  Airline Route News
                  Airline Route Map Drawings


                  • #10
                    Jim has a news fetish. :P
                    Zach Galifinakis
                    Chat Administrator

