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Do you think WW3 is inevitable?

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  • Do you think WW3 is inevitable?

    well, I think it is inevitable and the only reason I have to back up my claim is the politics and the media. Every where in the World, for example in North America, in South Asia, in Middle East, in Koreas and elsewhere, it seems that the government officials are bent on making their people paranoid and the media is literally brainwashing the people. In other words, media is turning millions of people into an angry mob.

    For example in South Asia, Pakistani officials are always pinpointing blame on India and vice versa. In India, we see that a number of the current movies coming out of Bollywood are portraying Pakistan as the terrorist nation while Pakistan's news media is portraying India as the murderer.

    In USA and Canada, people like everywhere else in the World, instead of having their own opinions and instead of using their own logic, they are bombarded with heavily biast media which seems to be running on a well planned and organized propaganda just like in other countries.

    In Middle East, most of the Arab leaders justify their existence by keeping their people busy with all the hatred towards Israel while Isreal's actions are no less than those of a rouge state.

    In the two Koreas, the stubborn leaders won't even let the families unit and just recently, it seemed that North Korea might start a war again.

    Meanwhile much of Africa is under armed conflicts or at war i.e. countries like Sudan, Rwanda, Cote d'Ivore, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Zimbabwe and many more.

    So, in conclusion, I say that in this century, we might see a big increase in the frequency of civil wars and international wars leading to a further depression of economies through out the World leading to ousting of governments and ultimately, this situation would spiral out of control leading to WW3.
    You only have one life...

    Make wise decisions and live freely.

  • #2
    Man, take off the tin foil hat.


    • #3
      Some people seem to think that the War On Terrorism (TM) is or will evolve into WWIII. It may or may not be on the scale of WWI or WWII, but will involve many nations of the world. The WOT could just be one front, as some seem to think that if China does try to forcefully retake Taiwan, that a larger conflict will erupt in the region, and have the potential of going nuclear. India and Pakistan is another conflict that could bring other nations in it. The Middle East could be a major front as well, especially if there are regime changes in countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia that installs a more fundamentalist Islamic regime.


      • #4
        No, I don't think WWIII will happen. Conflicts as of late involve terrorist regimes rather than entire nations, so you won't see worldwide conflict again. I do believe there will be a Battle of Armageddon, but no WWIII.


        • #5
          Hey Chicken Little, the sky is NOT falling.
          Follow me on Twitter!


          • #6
            Yes, I think it will happen. You're right, the media is horrible...but the Canadian media is nowhere near as bad as the American. American media feels the need to sensationalize anything and gets off on making the citizens paranoid. Because of this America is probably the most paranoid country in the world. Please don't take this as a flame towards Americans, that's not what it's meant to be. It's not your fault your media are morons.
            Earl From Regina


            • #7
              I'm hoping to become a pilot so i'll take my BBgun along with me.

              Click Here to view my pathetic attempts at Aviation photography!
              View the Darkside


              • #8
                Originally posted by Myblock
                Yes, I think it will happen. You're right, the media is horrible...but the Canadian media is nowhere near as bad as the American. American media feels the need to sensationalize anything and gets off on making the citizens paranoid. Because of this America is probably the most paranoid country in the world. Please don't take this as a flame towards Americans, that's not what it's meant to be. It's not your fault your media are morons.
                Can you back that statement up? I live here. I don't see people paranoid and running for cover. Or is this just another "stereotype" that Canadians have about Americans?

                You know, it's common knowledge that when soneone used a phrase like "please don't take it as a flame..." or "with all do respect", they are just trying to "soften" the blow. But the crux of the insult is still there.

                And c'mon, Canadian media is equally bad in sensationalizing things. They just loooove to sensationalize how bad a place the US is.


                • #9
                  On topic, former CIA director James Woosley said that the Cold War was probably World War III and that the war currently waged against Islamic terrorism is World War IV.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kaddyuk
                    We are a world of people hell bent on destroying people over issues based on things that cant be proved!


                    I agree with you.

                    WWIII? I doubt any country or even the EU as a whole has the capability to fight a war against the US.

                    Anyone want to start a war? Go ahead, but don't draw the US in.


                    • #11
                      Alright Iceman, you're right. I shouldn't have said that thing about America being the most paranoid country because I simply don't got sufficient proof.
                      I still however stand behind my opinion of your media being way worse than ours. Not because I got some lame national pride thing going but for the simple fact that I see way worse things the American media does. The British are also pretty horrible when it comes to media, the country is flooded with tabloid papers.
                      Lastly, you're right that I worded my post bad. I didn't mean for it to sound as insulting as you might have found it.
                      Earl From Regina


                      • #12
                        If you want to say something that is your opinion, Say it.

                        You don't need to apologise to anyone.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JeffinDEN
                          If you want to say something that is your opinion, Say it.
                          Which doesn't go down well with certain members, but screw them.


                          • #14
                            Grant, we are a minority here. :P


                            • #15
                              Who you refering to, Grant?

