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Filing Taxes

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  • Filing Taxes

    Well, today at work, I printed out my W-2 WAge and Tax Statement. Since this is my first year claiming as myself a dependant, I have no clue on what to do.

    I'm thinking about letting someone in my command do it for me. My supervisor is offering $30 to file my taxes. Do you think that is a good offer? I have heard that the Navy usually have a guy that will do it for you at no charge. I talked with my father and he said to go to the legal office, or I could do it myself.

    Anyone with tips or can help me out, i really appreciate it.

    Do you guys hire people to file your taxes or do you do it yourself?



  • #2
    If you don't have much going on.. you might be able to do 1040EZ.. it can't be easier than that..

    OTOH, if you have a business and have all kinds of expenses.. then it's a good idea to hire someone to do it.

    Keep those $30 and do the EZ form in 20 min by yourself. Or even better... buy the software (taxcut or turbotax etc..) and file electronically


    • #3
      Files in the US sound as difficult to fill as their european counterparts !!!
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      • #4
        Just do the EZ form.
        $30 bucks is too much for the EZ form which is what you need, it takes like 15 minutes.

        Your Legal dept will not do your taxes. They are Lawyers, not accountants.


        • #5
          Last year I filed electronically and will do the same as soon as my W-2 form gets here. I got my refund in less than two weeks time. The 1040EZ form is the best bet if you don't have a shed load of deductions to report.


          • #6
            TurboTax online...1040EZ.....$9.95 for Federal and $5.95 for state. Quick and Easy.


            • #7
              Thanks Steve for the link.



              • #8

                If you haven't done your taxes yet.....TurboTax offers this free online service for active military...

                Intuit has elected not to renew its participation in the IRS Free File Program and will no longer be offering IRS Free File Program delivered by TurboTax. You may still qualify for other IRS Free File Offers at IRS.Gov. Or, if you are looking for a TurboTax product, you may choose to see what products are available.


                • #9
                  your taxes should be pretty simple. Around my area the public library has some retired IRS people that volunteer to do your taxes with you at no charge. You should see if there is anything like that in your area. just a thought.
                  He who expected nothin......aint gonna be deceived-JR


                  • #10
                    Get Tubo Tax or Tax cut. I used it for years and it's really easy. Wish I still could use it my taxes have become more and more complicated each year. Costs me $170 to do my taxes, but I get a pretty good refund.


                    • #11
                      I use TaxCut software. I also have to pay no State Income Tax! God Bless Texas!
                      Follow me on Twitter!


                      • #12
                        Steve, the state of Virginia doesnt sponsor the Free Filing thing so it won't be free for me since I reside in the state of Virginia.


