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Bird Flu spread to pigs and possibly human

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  • reverse_thrust
    Latest news........just got it from TV here..........
    there seem to be 3 (human)deaths related to the bird Thailand.

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  • reverse_thrust
    today the dutch news said that there is indeed a vaccin against all flu types......but here in Holland they only seem to have enough of the stuff to inject into 30.000 people...........the state is now trying to get more stuff to produce 170.000 more injections...........hmmmmmmm think about it...........around 16 million people here........and only 200.000 injections...........damn.........I have to marry a doctor, and i guess I have to do it very quick too.
    but hey......the situation in NO GOOD at matter where it is.......people and animals are good!
    lets hope they can get a grip on the situation!

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  • Myblock
    I got a feeling this is gonna be way worse than SARS.

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  • GrantT
    Originally posted by Airbus_A320
    Lets just hope it stays in Asia and doesent come anywhere else like SARS did. Kinda scary if you ask me
    Agreed, I care more about England than a country thousands of miles away that the disease originated from, sorry if that's the wrong attitude to take, but hey, i couldn't care less.

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  • Crazy764
    Originally posted by Airbus_A320
    lets hope this disease is gotten under control soon.
    We can all agree on that.

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  • uy707
    As it also got in France, among others with the deaths of 3 medics who had worked with the Hanoi general hospital some days earlier...

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  • Airbus_A320
    Originally posted by Crazy764
    Originally posted by Airbus_A320
    Lets just hope it stays in Asia and doesent come anywhere else like SARS did. Kinda scary if you ask me
    Why do you hope for that instead of hoping for wiping out the disease? You don't care if people in Asia die?
    Sorry Crazy764, I see how that could have been seen the wrong way. Yes I do hope it's wiped out with the least deaths possible to humans in Asia or anywhere, but doesn't leave Asia before it is wiped out. Like SARS was gotten under control now, but it got to Toronto and caused people to get sick there too, i don't think anyone wants that to happen. And anyways there is not really any proof of it spreading to humans yet though. Just because 2 people died doesn't mean they died from bird flu, there are hundreds of other things that could have killed them. However lets hope this disease is gotten under control soon.

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  • uy707
    Originally posted by Crazy764
    Originally posted by Airbus_A320
    Lets just hope it stays in Asia and doesent come anywhere else like SARS did. Kinda scary if you ask me
    Why do you hope for that instead of hoping for wiping out the disease? You don't care if people in Asia die?
    EXACTLY As far I am concerned, I WISH THEM COMPLETE SUCCESS IN WIPING OUT the disease, because THEY WILL ACT the way they did for SARS and I plan returning to this fabulous part of the world. I also remember that in some other parts known as Central Africa, things have unfortunately been much WORSE for decades !!

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  • Crazy764
    Originally posted by Airbus_A320
    Lets just hope it stays in Asia and doesent come anywhere else like SARS did. Kinda scary if you ask me
    Why do you hope for that instead of hoping for wiping out the disease? You don't care if people in Asia die?

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  • Airbus_A320
    Lets just hope it stays in Asia and doesent come anywhere else like SARS did. Kinda scary if you ask me

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  • GrantT
    Great, another asian disease for everyone to get paranoid about.

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  • uy707
    The two people who passed away in Vietnam are two young girls
    they are fears that contamations can be spread from humans since the girls ealier lost an elder brother !

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  • reverse_thrust
    double post....sorry

    sorry......double post

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  • reverse_thrust
    Even worse......
    I just read on a dutch internet newspaper, that the World health organisation has a great suspicion on 2 deaths in Vietnam.
    2 people died there and they suspect a mutated bird flu virus to be the cause......................
    lets hope they are wrong

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  • jiml1126
    started a topic Bird Flu spread to pigs and possibly human

    Bird Flu spread to pigs and possibly human

    Vietnam has confirmed a pig has been affected by the mutated bird flu on sunday.

    Meanwhile, 2 sisters in Vietnam has died after their brother affected by the virus. WHO says it does not rule out the possibility that human infection has begun.