I would hope the Iraq citizens would be able to have a part in their new found freedom, and America offering aid. I hope that the UN, France, Germany, any other country besides Iraq, America, and Britian do not have anything to do with it, they don't derserve to. America, and Britian had the guts to fight for these people, and their countries, and take down a madman, they should and Iraq should have the most, and all say in what will happen to them next. My .02
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The Aftermath of War
Therein lies a problem within itself. No matter who chooses the new govt, which will most likely be a pro-western democracy, US and British forces will remain stationed in Iraq for the years to come. Many Iraqis don't want this. Many dislike America and Britain as is, for them to stick around could potentially cause further friction.
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I have two aspects to this: what should happen, and what will most probably happen.
What should happen is that immediately after Saddam is deposed, there should be reconstruction, funded by the US, and during this time, a proxy UN govt. should stand in place. Once, Iraq has settled, there should be voting, and the popular party should be allowed to rule.
What I think will happen, is that the UN will govern Iraq, until there are protests by the Iraqi's demanding self-government. Then, an Iraqi govt. will be elected, with inputs from USA and the UN.
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Guest repliedThe US will walk out of Iraq and leave the dirt to be cleared by the United Nations. This comes as no surprise, as the UN is good enough to clear up the mess, despite it being trampled on before the war.
The loosers will once more be the Iraqi people.
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The Aftermath of War
0USA chosen0%0Popular Iraqi govt. (chosen by the Iraqis)0%0United Nations Rule0%0Now that the war is going on, i guess there's no point in arguing about whether there should be war or not. I feel that the primary focus at this time shoul be what will, or rather what should be done to Iraq after the war (I am assuming that the coalition forces will win, and that Saddam's regime will no longer be in power).
What do you think the USA will do? What do you think will be the stand the Security council, along with France, Russia, etc. will take on this.
Please post your views and opinions,
Cheers.Tags: None
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