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Iraq soldiers surrendering as fast as we can take them!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by aerpix
    Yes, you had an election, and about two months to find out who won. If the time was taken to count again, your president today would be named Al Gore, and not George W. Bush. But the latter managed, with the help of is brother who is Governor of Florida, to avoid a proper count.

    And one thing is for sure. Under the leadership of Mr. Al Gore, who I highly respect, your country would have gone an entirely different way. A way which would be to the good of the USA.
    Yeah, it's a real shame Gore didn't win. To think of how the US was 3 years ago under Clinton. Stellar economy and no wars. Look at the status quo. It's sad isn't it. The worst part is that Gore won more votes and would have won Florida had Bush not have used his contacts to get his way. Another thing is only a fraction of the population actually voted. Imagine how many more could have been for Gore.


    • #17
      True, Richard, and America was always doing better with a Democrat-ruled government. At the end of Mr. Clinton's term, the average US citizen was far better off than at the end of any Republican term.

      The current government is destroying a lot that the Clinton administration had built up, and I would even say that the Bush administration is causally responsible for the worldwide economic downturn. Therefore the much awaited upturn will only take place once the Bush administration has been voted out of office.



      • #18
        Originally posted by aerpix
        True, Richard, and America was always doing better with a Democrat-ruled government. At the end of Mr. Clinton's term, the average US citizen was far better off than at the end of any Republican term.

        The current government is destroying a lot that the Clinton administration had built up, and I would even say that the Bush administration is causally responsible for the worldwide economic downturn. Therefore the much awaited upturn will only take place once the Bush administration has been voted out of office.

        Wait, wait, wait, wait! You're saying that the current government is destroying a lot that Clinton BUILT UP????????????? I don't think I even have to have a remark for this But I'll put one anyways. Clinton did not build anything up. He downsized everything. Look at our military today. It's half the size as it used to be before he came into office (I'm not just talking about military personnel, I'm talking about bases, weapons, personnel, and all of the other military cutbacks he has done).

        RICHARD SAID--->"Yeah, it's a real shame Gore didn't win. To think of how the US was 3 years ago under Clinton. Stellar economy and no wars. Look at the status quo. It's sad isn't it. The worst part is that Gore won more votes and would have won Florida had Bush not have used his contacts to get his way. Another thing is only a fraction of the population actually voted. Imagine how many more could have been for Gore."

        ----> First of all RICHARD,
        Clinton did NOTHING while in office. Except 'play' around. He might have done just a little something, but he actually hasn't done anything while in office. BTW, you said that that Gore would've won Florida, I don't think so. If you ask me, Gore was the one that was cheating and turning in votes for people that weren't even alive which is ILLEGAL. Bush didn't do anything wrong. When you said---> "Another thing is only a fraction of the population actually voted." Yeah, and you know why??? You can thank Gore and his democratic party for doing that. Yeah, and I'm imagining just how many votes Gore would have gotten, hmmm...... 0, ZERO, ZIP, NADA. YES A BIG FAT 0!!! If the democratic party would've let the republicans count the military votes, Gore would've been outvoted to Bush(meaning, Bush would've won WAYYYY more votes than Gore). Just face the facts, Bush still won even after Gore cheated, and didn't let them count the military votes. Just goes to show you that more people like Bush than Gore
        My Pics!


        • #19
          Wait, wait, wait, wait! You're saying that the current government is destroying a lot that Clinton BUILT UP????????????? I don't think I even have to have a remark for this But I'll put one anyways. Clinton did not build anything up. He downsized everything. Look at our military today. It's half the size as it used to be before he came into office (I'm not just talking about military personnel, I'm talking about bases, weapons, personnel, and all of the other military cutbacks he has done
          Clinton was very right in downsizing the military, and use the money for other, more reasonable things. Social welfare is always better than armament and wardriving. Clinton may have 'played' around a bit, but hey, which man does not do this? But he was a much better president than all his Republican counterpartes in the last 50 years.

          And given the current war, your 'half sized' military is still capable enough to invade other countries. What do you need more?



          • #20
            Originally posted by aerpix
            Wait, wait, wait, wait! You're saying that the current government is destroying a lot that Clinton BUILT UP????????????? I don't think I even have to have a remark for this But I'll put one anyways. Clinton did not build anything up. He downsized everything. Look at our military today. It's half the size as it used to be before he came into office (I'm not just talking about military personnel, I'm talking about bases, weapons, personnel, and all of the other military cutbacks he has done
            Clinton was very right in downsizing the military, and use the money for other, more reasonable things. Social welfare is always better than armament and wardriving. Clinton may have 'played' around a bit, but hey, which man does not do this? But he was a much better president than all his Republican counterpartes in the last 50 years.

            And given the current war, your 'half sized' military is still capable enough to invade other countries. What do you need more?

            Hey, if homeless people don't want to work and are fully capapable of working, then they shouldn't get welfare. You said--->"Clinton may have 'played' around a bit, but hey, which man does not do this?", Well, let me tell you this. Clinton was not just an ordinary man, he was the President of the United States and was married, and still he fooled around with girls. I don't think ANY president would do that.Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that Clinton was the ONLY president that had an affair while in office. Do you know how bad that makes the U.S. look? It makes us look really bad. You also said--->"And given the current war, your 'half sized' military is still capable enough to invade other countries. What do you need more?", well, we could use ALOT more, just in case China turns on us. They have like 10 million people in their army. If China started threatining to launch nuclear missles at another country, kind of like Iraq, we would have to stop them. And in the event if we did have to go to war, their army would crush ours. We may have better planes, weapons, artillery, etc.. than they do, but we would still need to have ground troops go in as well.
            My Pics!


            • #21
              this war is illegal and should be stopped immediately.

              Wrong, it was authorized by the entire Security Council.

              Clinton / Gore were as close to a Socialist government as we ever want to get.

              Maybe the Swiss like taxes... I prefer to spend my own money, and don't rely on others to give it to me.

              Iraq will be free soon, The U.N. will be finished soon, they have not had any power for a long time.

              France will go on whinning, we certainly don't listen to them or many other insignificant other countries.

              Consider this post my last here. I am tiring of listening to you and your type. Have fun, someone may actually take you seriously.


              • #22
                Even if China did issue a threat to fire their missiles at any other country, the USA would sit quietly at home and do nothing, except maybe cry for UN backing, the very same UN that they kicked in the a.. lately.

                China is a serious contender on this planet, like the old USSR was, and this is/was the only reason that the these powers never got hand on each other. It is no great deal invading a small and defenseless country like Iraq. But I would really like to see how the USA would take China.

                Maybe you can try it out, when you invade North Korea after Iraq is done.



                • #23
                  I doubt China will ever turn on the US. China and the US are important trade parteners. Sino-US relations are on the up and up. Any differences can be resolved by dialogue.


                  • #24
                    Thank god NWA_Flyer757 and JeffM have stopped posting. Now we can have some peace.
                    "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                    -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by indian airlines
                      Thank god NWA_Flyer757 and JeffM have stopped posting. Now we can have some peace.

                      Ohhhh, I wish you hadn't said that.......


                      • #26
                        As for the American Electoral system, it is not always 100% perfect, however it is the best in the world, and I for one support my president, whoever he turns out to be.. if memory serves correctly though, you are wrong about Clinton and war.. especially since I was wounded in action during one of his little brushfires called Somalia. To Mr. Clinton's credit we can also add military action in Iraq in from 1994-1998, and our involvement in Haiti during the Aristide overthrow, to which I was also wounded in action. And one other thing.... All of America's wars EXCEPT the 2 Persian Gulf wars were started with a Democrat in office.

                        So democrat vs. republican has no bearing here.

                        as for comments about the swiss government, they are unfounded, as there are many excellent things that can be said for their canton governing policies, and one can also remember that they have manged to retain complete neutrality for hundreds of years, not an easy task..

                        for many of you others, one of the greatest freedoms we enjoy is one which you are participating in now... We have recognized the God given right to freely complain.. there are still many people, in many nations, who are still severely punnished for their political or religious views, and also many more who are jailed without due process of law, and where women are devoid of rights, and many other freedoms that admittedly we Americans take for granted. Though we have our faults, this is still the greatest nation in the world.


                        • #27
                          Like you in America, we also enjoy the freedom of speech and opinion, and that's why I do not understand that we are being criticized just for being anti-war. There were hard words at both, Germany and France, coming from US officials.

                          Lately I got the impression that the USA was saying: either you are for us, or against us. There was no intermediate way, which is exactly what neutrality, in this case for Switzerland, is aiming at.



                          • #28
                            I am well aware of the swiss government body, as I studied it in one of my poli sci courses in college. The swiss have a nearly ideal governmental system, and many nations could do well to imitate it.

                            I do not criticize you for being anti-war, however not taking action against a terroristic tyrant is the same as appeasement in my book. The Commonwealth of Nations tried that in 1937, and the results were disasterous. Also, I understand, and agree with, the european sentiment towards Americas rather new outlook towards terrorism, seeing as how you in europe have dealt with it for over 30 years now, and gained little more than an "oh-hum" from the US. however we must all agree that it must now come to a crashing halt. and especially State-sponsored terrorism. And the use of NBC weapons (or even the threat of) should be acted upon immediately, with force if necessary. Saddam Hussein had every chance to show the world that he had terminated his weapons programs, and he chose to play games, and generally thumb his nose to the world with a "what are you gonna do if I don't?" attitude. if the United Nations had no intention of using force to bring about the end of his weapons programs, then why the deadlines and ultimatums.. he saw them for what they were - idle threats. After twelve years, we finallly said enough is enough. No more idle threats. I am sorry that the rest of the world doesn't agree, but what else truly would have stopped him???


                            • #29
                              I agree that 'state-backed' terrorism has come to a halt. But still this is a UN mission for me, and not just an American one. I may repeat myself, but there are no proofs, whatsoever, that Saddam was involved in any of the terrorist attacks that harmed Americans.

                              BTW, there are other states that are known to back terrorism, including Libya, Somalia, Sudan, North Korea and probably Syria. Also Iran and Pakistan are likely candidates, as we know that Osama bin Laden most probably hides in the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

                              The governments of some of the above countries, however, are not in full command of their entire territory, i.e. Sudan or Somalia which has no real government but is rather commandeered by some tribe heads. In any such area terrorism can grow and hide easily. Also, terrorism is a weapon of the poor, who can not get heard otherwise. So instead of bringing war to these areas, should we not better help their governments and their people? Aide for democratic ruling instead of dictatorship?



                              • #30
                                If aid for governments to change worked then fine I'd agree with it, however that theory unfortunately doesn't stand long against the oldest human trait.... Greed. No dictator would willingly unseat himself (nor has any since the Magna Charta was signed in England in the 11th century, if memory serves right). Most dictatorships fall forcefully (albeit due to internal coup de'etat).

                                Please don't get me wrong Peter. I only support war as a last resort. I was a soldier once, and war is an ugly business, and should be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, the time for coaxing along saddam has come to an end, and he is being dealt with.. hopefully this will set an example for other nations, so that this will never have to happen again (but I know it won't.) Chances are however that we will become the very Pariahs that Israel has become, and just as much despised. (god for our sake I hope they find real proof over there, or our credability is shot.)

