Was that not the original target why this war was started? Or do you still believe that it is just to free the Iraqis??
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Over 90% of the Oil fields in Coalition control...
Guest replied
I'm sure they will give us a few million barrels for our troubles in making them a FREE NATION.......
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No, it's the Iraqi's oil. Always has been, always will be. For you people to call it your oil would imply that you are all thieves.
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Hey Jeff you titled your topic incorrectly! You should have titled it "Over 90% of the Oil fields in Exxon/Mobile and Chevron control..." HAHA I couldn't resist, take that you liberals. It's our oil now! MOOOhahahaha
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Yea, how now how you think you can eat something large, but you stomach can't handle it. His eyes where bigger than his balls.
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Over 90% of the Oil fields in Coalition control...
That didn't take long did it?
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