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India's military starts terrorism against POK civilians

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  • #16

    I don't like yours either
    Cory Klimko
    KSNA Photography


    • #17
      Right said, Richard . I do not hate America, I like the beautiful landscape in most parts, the openness and the wide countyside.

      I have travelled all over the US, and also lived and worked in New York for a while. I have probably seen more of the US than the average US poster in this forum, and believe me, Cory, the USA's only problem are people like you. I agree with Richard, that most of the people I have met are friendly and helpful. But when it comes to their political awareness, they just fail. This is basically no disaster, unless they expose themselves as some do in this forum. Yes, Cory, you are included.



      • #18

        Why do you care, your not an American, and never will be. Who's cares what you think, you think you can put your nose into America's business, whenever something big happens, thats the problem with you people.

        And why do you piss your pants when this country wants to go to war? Do you expect us to listen to a little shit country likes yours. We could step on your country.
        Cory Klimko
        KSNA Photography


        • #19
          Re: RE

          Originally posted by NWA_Flyer757
          Why do you care, your not an American, and never will be. Who's cares what you think, you think you can put your nose into America's business, whenever something big happens, thats the problem with you people.

          And why do you piss your pants when this country wants to go to war? Do you expect us to listen to a little shit country likes yours. We could step on your country.
          Cory, we do care, because what your country is currently doing is not just an internal affair. It affects the whole world, and therefore it is our good right to say our opinion. I agree that you do not care about what we think, most Americans currently do not care about what the world wants. And that's your problem.

          I highly doubt that you could step on us as easily as you think. Have you ever thought about why Hitler did not invade Switzerland during WWII, after invading most other countries around us? He pretty well knew that it would not be easy to take Switzerland. This is still valid today.

          And you better listen to a country like ours. Did you ever think where all the money the USA uses comes from? The USA and many other countries heavily rely on the Swiss financial system, and if we cut off money streams, the USA would be dry like a raisin within weeks.



          • #20

            Yea, thats what they tell you. Just wait tell a country trys to take you on. Will be there, then you'll know your not hot shit.
            Cory Klimko
            KSNA Photography


            • #21
              indian airlines, aerpix, Richard, JoeJoe440:

              I agree with you all as well. From now on, I'm going to try the following:

              I'm going to ignore any comment from JeffM and NWA_Flyer, unless they make an effort to discuss things in a mature manner. I hope it works.

              As soon as they have shown that they are capable of proper forum etiquette, I will respond to their posts again.


              • #22
                There won't be a country to take us, because we give no reason to anyone for taking us. We are neutral, and do not do warfare. But if someone would try to take us, he would get a couple of bloody heads.



                • #23

                  Cory Klimko
                  KSNA Photography


                  • #24
                    Yeah aerpix, why would anyone invade Switzerland. It's a sorry excuse for a response I guess?

                    We know better. Let's just ignore those who don't.


                    • #25
                      Aerpix.. you are wrong.. there are not 260 million arrogant, self-serving people in America, however in the last two years, there has been a drastic change in the attitude of Americans toward many cultures who respond to their "internal" problems using violence and terrorism, due largely to the cowardly attacks of Sept 11, 2001. A lot of that is due to the knee-jerk reactions that are rather commonplace in our country. Most Americans actually care little about world affairs until it directly relates to them. Yes, some of our people are rather "long-winded" as the Brits say, and many of those tend to talk out of their asses, however, do not judge the people of this country by the few who tend to make fools of themselves..

                      Jeff and NWA.. You must learn that to effectively debate a subject, you must use more fact than conjecture, and more purpose than emotion. A base REQUIREMENT of debate is to state a position, and then defend it, not have your opposition disprove it.. learn how to do this properly or shut up.. you have many valid points, but your delivery sucks..


                      • #26
                        I may be wrong, but when I hear polls that now 76% of all Americans are in favour of war, that would still make a good 180 million. I can not agree that most Americans only care for world affairs if they are directly affected. If this was true then how to come that 76% are in favour of war? Iraq has not directly affected any American citizen in the past decade or so.

                        Rather those 180 million are part of a mass that can easily be influenced by the media, or the government. And that's BECAUSE they do not care for world affairs, and therefore have little or no knowlege of other continents, countries, cultures and habits.

                        You would be ashamed to see the results if those 180 million would be asked one by one to show Iraq on a world map!



                        • #27
                          I'd be lucky if 10% of those 180 million could find New york City on a map... however, I agree that propaganda plays a large role, and in that aspect GWB is doing a fine job of motivating Americans.. however Saddam DOES pose a significant threat to acts of terrorism, and because of that, he needs to go...


                          • #28
                            Well, about 17 million should easily find it, as they are living in the Greater NY area. That would roughly make up for your 10% guess .

                            Still I do not agree that Saddam 'has to go'. Saddam has to be moved into a position that he will not be a threat for anybody, but still I do not believe that war is the only solution for this. I would have preferred if the United Nations hat continued their job.



                            • #29
                              I suppose you're right Math wasn't my strongest subject...


                              • #30
                                You know what I fail to understand? Why people around the globe are so mad at each other. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Revenge and Avenge.

                                So People hate America all their lives. Do we have to reciprocate it? Are we bringing our selves down to their level? And by their, I am referring to any group that is in disagreement.

                                Jack: Bill, you're so stupid, I'm gonna kick your ass, you old fool..."
                                Bill: OKay....

                                Why just retaliate? I bet if after WTC, you went out, and actually tried to make peace, ask why they did it, and then handed out punishments, instead of trting to make Lake Afghanistan, we'd be much better off.
                                NO one knows why WTC was struck down. ONly the guy who did it knows. So fix what we've done wrong.

                                But no. WE have to bomb, and make 400 more Osamas that your kids face. Like your parents did to you.

