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What happens if a pilot fails a check ride

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  • What happens if a pilot fails a check ride

    What happens if an airline pilot fails a check ride? Does he/she take the test again, get more training, loose the job or what?

  • #2
    Depends on the company and what's in the contract. Ours gives you a second and third try if you need it.

    You get additional training after busting a second ride, and if you bust the third, it goes to a training review board that has members from the company and the union to decide what to do with you. They may decide to give you some more training, or let you go. Most times, you're out the door.

    Generally if you bust the first time, it was over some minute bullshit like missing a callout or just having a bad day. You usually get back in the sim a day or two later and pass it. You get some extra training if you bust the second time.

    Upgrade is similar. Bust the first attempt, and you wait 6 months before you go up again. Bust that, and you're either a permanent FO, or the company can request your resignation.
    Bite me Airways.....


    • #3
      So the best thing is try to pass it the 1st time, that way you don't half to worry about it.


      • #4
        We had one that unfortunately had failed a couple of times and when he was getting ready for his 3rd try the Capt and him got into a discussion in the terminal that resulted in a recrew of the flight. Neither of them flew that day.


        • #5
          Three strikes and you're out for us too. It shows the importance of not attempting a check flight or simulator when sick or suffering from personal issues.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GeneralSirDouglasMcArthur
            So the best thing is try to pass it the 1st time, that way you don't half to worry about it.
            That's a loooooooooong user name


            • #7
              Originally posted by pkonowrocki
              That's a loooooooooong user name
              yeah, or at least put spaces in it, then it doesnt stretch everything out.

