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What is this squared area between.....

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  • What is this squared area between.....

    The wingroot and the titles. `???
    Whats the purpose on this ?

    Its on the fuselages on all Q400's...



    Inactive from May 1 2009.

  • #2
    Peter, that is just a reinforced strip to protect the fuselage from ice shed by the props. It is aligned with the likely trajectory of any ice being shed, so it can be located in different spots depending on the direction of prop rotation and the distance from the fuselage.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AJ
      Peter, that is just a reinforced strip to protect the fuselage from ice shed by the props. It is aligned with the likely trajectory of any ice being shed, so it can be located in different spots depending on the direction of prop rotation and the distance from the fuselage.
      Hmm that makes pretty good sense to me now, thanks alot AJ.

      Btw My name is John, Not Peter !
      Inactive from May 1 2009.


      • #4
        Sorry John!


        • #5
          Pretty much all the Dash-8's have them, im not sure about the ATR's though.


          • #6
            I remember hearing about that when I was on the ramp at Xmas.. pretty neat stuff, but it is loud when you're sitting in the A/C and the ice is flying into the shield


            • #7

              Its on teh ATR Boys and Girls, if you can see that discolored area next to the prop.

              The ice Sheild is basically doubled up aluminum skin.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ACman
                The ice Sheild is basically doubled up aluminum skin.
                I didn't think it was made of that, atleast on the Dash-8


                • #9
                  I do believe it is a composite construction on the Dash 8. I will check on Monday when I get to work. I think you'll find most props have some sort of ice protection on the fuselage. I know that the J.41, the Dash 8, the ATP and the ATR have. Ice can be a pretty solid and when it's travelling at speed, quite capable of making a hole in the skin.

                  As I said, I'll dig out what I can next week and let you know.



                  • #10
                    On all the turboprops I've flown the panel is made of a honeycomb composite due to it's ability to absorb the impact without transferring the load to the fuselage.

                    The sound of ice pounding into the side of the aircraft is very offputting!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MaxPower

                      Lookin good!
                      Wu Tang Clan: best rap group of all time

                      Save hip-hop, bring talent and intelligence back into it

