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VSI and altimeter contradict each other??

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  • VSI and altimeter contradict each other??

    Cessna 150
    “Stick” back open throttle intending to climb.
    Vertical speed indicator shows 300 ft per minute, altimeter stays the same. What is happening? All instruments are functioning normally.

    This relates to an actual event while I was in the right seat.

  • #2
    Instantaneous VSI. Very common for the VSI to show a climb / descent while the altimeter isn't moving. Just that the altimeter hasn't caught up with the change.
    Bite me Airways.....


    • #3
      Originally posted by LRJet Guy
      Instantaneous VSI. Very common for the VSI to show a climb / descent while the altimeter isn't moving. Just that the altimeter hasn't caught up with the change.
      Even after a minute or so?


      • #4
        Altimieter could be stuck, or something up in the pitot static system.

        Either that or the VSI was showing a minor climb / descent and it was corrected before the altimeter started to move.
        Bite me Airways.....


        • #5
          [QUOTE=LRJet Guy]Altimieter could be stuck, or something up in the pitot static system.

          Ok thanks for answering. Not, it would seem, such a mystery after all.




          • #6
            actually, the VSI lags 1 or 2 seconds behind the altimeter. At least that's how it is in a Piper Warrior or Cessna 152, small pistons, etc. Something must have been wrong with the altimiter.


            • #7
              The altimeter is just a barometer, calibrated in feet. It will have a connection to the atmosphere via a tube which exits the aeroplane as a little hole. If the tube gets blocked then the altimeter will not experience any change in pressure and therefore will not show any change. I'm digging back some way now into my memory, but I seem to recall that on some altimeters if the static tube gets blocked then breaking the instruments glass will subject it to the cockpit pressure (which in an unpressurised aeroplane will be roughly the same as what is outside) and therefore make it work!!!

