What does an Electronic Flight Bag consist of?
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EFB Question
EFB is a bit of a mis-conception... most airline pilots if not all leave the maps and charts on the aircraft. The EFB just makes it easier for the airline to update the maps, cuts down on paper in the flight deck and reduces weight somewhat...
Pilots still carry a Flight Bag because there is documentation that requres signing etc etc...
Originally posted by MyriadEFB is a bit of a mis-conception... most airline pilots if not all leave the maps and charts on the aircraft. The EFB just makes it easier for the airline to update the maps, cuts down on paper in the flight deck and reduces weight somewhat...
Pilots still carry a Flight Bag because there is documentation that requres signing etc etc...
At least here in the States I think you can look in any airline pilots flight bag and find Jepps. My airline requires us to carry our own Jepps, Pilot Operating Handbook, and Flight Ops Manual.
The airline was looking at the electronic flight bag. Ours would have the MEL/CDL, TCAS manual, EGPWS manual, FMS manual, and EFIS manual. We would still be responsible for the 3 we carry now.
There are a few airlines out there that leave the POH in the aircraft, but very few leave the Jepps in the airplane.Bite me Airways.....
Qantas examined EFBs for the A330s but decided against it based on cost. I understand they will be standard fit on the 787s (hurray).
from what I hear KLM is very happy with the EFBs fitted to the 777s.
There are a few airlines out there that leave the POH in the aircraft, but very few leave the Jepps in the airplane
There is an EFB available for general aviation pilots that puts all the information onto a PDA. While I think it would be extremely helpful and I'd love to use something like that, I would definately have a set of paper charts with me at all times. I like technology, but I have yet to hear of a sheet of paper ever suddenly erasing itself.
but very few leave the Jepps in the airplane
The EFB means that the airlines can update the maps easier and "Do" more things with them in future...
Sorry about that. Beer talking or something like that. Been off work for 3 weeks and gone through a lot of adult beverages.
Who does the revisions on paper Jepps that are kept in the airplane? I know of one airline in the States that took the alternate airports out of the pilots manuals and leaves those on the airplane. When a revision is issued for those airports, the "brick" gets tossed and replaced with a new one. Same if it is opened.Bite me Airways.....
I think I'd much rather carry my own charts. Sometimes I'll make little notes on my chart if its an airport I fly into a lot. For example, here in GFK, before they got rid of the localizer back course to 17R alltogether, they deleted everything before the final approach fix. They put out an FDC NOTAM, but as of yet I still dont see an update for it.
Another example is that when practicing approaches here at GFK, instead of doing the published missed procedures, our school has special local climbout procedures layed out so we dont get in everybody's way. A lot easier for me if I write it down on the actual chart.
We have a flight libraries department that replaces the chart books on the aircraft on a regular basis. When a cycle is due the new charts are placed in the books with a stamp on the old charts marked 'check effective date'.
The chart books are divided into Pacific and Europe, so 767/A330/747s generally only carry Pacific books, and the 744 carries both.
We then have P1, P2 and P3; P1 containing charts for main company airports, P2 containing ERCs, ETOPS charts, chart notams and the Airport Directory, and P3 carrying alternate airports. A Worldwide text is also carried.
CX has quite a good method. We do not carry our own charts as it would be much too much of a hassle and the costs of issuing everyone with charts would be huge. Our dispatch give us two mini-jepps, containing the charts for the route. Normally this consists of destination, and a couple of alternates at either end, so we carry charts for about 5-6 airports. On each aircraft is two master sets should we divert to somewhere not in our mini-jepps.
As for the EFB, we were hoping to get them in the 777-300ERs we are getting next year, but apparently the systems available do not do the entire range of things which CX would like and therefore we are not getting them. We would like the Jepps charts as wel as the ability to calculate take-off performance data, store all our company manuals and info in there as well as some other company related applications. Oh well, maybe one day!Have a look at my photos, including Kai Tak crazy landings!http://www.jetphotos.net/showphotos.php?userid=460
Originally posted by screaming_emuI think I'd much rather carry my own charts. Sometimes I'll make little notes on my chart if its an airport I fly into a lot. For example, here in GFK, before they got rid of the localizer back course to 17R alltogether, they deleted everything before the final approach fix. They put out an FDC NOTAM, but as of yet I still dont see an update for it.
Another example is that when practicing approaches here at GFK, instead of doing the published missed procedures, our school has special local climbout procedures layed out so we dont get in everybody's way. A lot easier for me if I write it down on the actual chart.
I could have the aircraft maintenance manual with associated IPC's and stuff on my PalmPC however it wouldnt be a controlled copy and i wouldn't be able to legally use it to carry out a task.
The pilots do carry an En-Route map which they can draw on, however its for the entire route and is really for marking Waypoint-To-Waypoint information. They write fuel burns and times over them en-route which we can use to interrogate at a later date... :P