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  • Flaps

    AJ, on the 767 do you usually use 15 or 5 degrees of flaps? It all considers on weight, runway distance, wind, etc... right?

    Would you say on average that 10 is kinda a "Standard" setting among most airliners? Even though each one has different requirements, but 10 is the average setting correct?

  • #2
    When I fly FS2004 I always use Flaps 5 setting.
    But let's wait what AJ says


    • #3
      Originally posted by pkonowrocki
      When I fly FS2004 I always use Flaps 5 setting.
      But let's wait what AJ says
      Yeah usually I use 5, but if im heavy its 15. Come on AJ!


      • #4
        Originally posted by ACman
        Yeah usually I use 5, but if im heavy its 15. Come on AJ!
        Guys be patient. .

        Flap-setting *15 is the normal setting for take-off. For performance reasons flap 5 is sometimes used to achieve a higher take-off weight.

        On rare occasions flap-setting *20 will be used for take-off from short runways.

        Only flap settings in the Performance manual may be used.
        Inactive from May 1 2009.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MaxPower
          Guys be patient. .

          Flap-setting *15 is the normal setting for take-off. For performance reasons flap 5 is sometimes used to achieve a higher take-off weight.

          On rare occasions flap-setting *20 will be used for take-off from short runways.

          Only flap settings in the Performance manual may be used.
          Yeah I kinda figured, plus im not like Come on AJ, im loke come onnnnnnnnn AJ!


          • #6
            99% of our takeoffs are at Flap 5.

            We use flap 15 occasionally on Runway 34R/16L at Narita departing to Cairns, and during reported windshear on any runway that is not obstacle limited.

            767-300s are not certified for Flap 1 takeoffs due to the geometry limit, however -200s can be certified for Flap 1.

            Last edited by AJ; 2006-06-17, 02:18.


            • #7
              Hey thanks AJ, Ive always wonderd about the 767. On the A310 and A300 it simply just slats.


              • #8
                I think flaps 1 is just slats. AJ can confirm if that's true.

                I don't think there is a standard flap setting for takeoff on airliners. I've seen a lot of F-100s takeoff with flaps 0.

                Our usual setting is flaps 5, but there are times when we'll have to use flaps 15.
                Bite me Airways.....


                • #9
                  The 777 is like a big 767, and we use a mixture of Flaps 5 and Flaps 15. Probably Flaps 5 for about 70% of takeoffs and 15 if we are heavy, choose a wet runway/tailwind for takeoff performance or go from a short runway. Very occassionally we do a flaps20 takeoff if more than 2 or 3 of those combinations mentionned above.

                  For the 777 Flaps 1 is slats only.
                  Have a look at my photos, including Kai Tak crazy landings!


                  • #10
                    Good things to know. Thanks to AJ and Colin for the infos. Good thread !
                    Inactive from May 1 2009.

