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Various Transition altitudes?

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  • Various Transition altitudes?

    Hello All,
    I was wondering what the transitions are for various countries/ aviation authorities. I know US is FL180, but what about JAA/CAA/etc.?

  • #2
    Its 18,000 (FL180) in Canada.

    I think Europe its whatever they tell you the transition alt is after the QNH. Hopefully Garry (atco) can shed some light on this, seeing how hes an expert.


    • #3
      Australia has a transition layer from 10,000 to FL110. Standard pressure is set climbing through 10,000 and arrival QNH set descending through FL110.

      New Zealand and Japan both have transition at 14,000'.

      As Kevin said European QNH is set when cleared to an altitude on descent.


      • #4
        US transition is FL180 if I remember correctly.
        O'Hare - The Aviation God's greatest creation, or their greatest mistake? you be the judge!


        • #5
          The key is that an aeroplane on a FL (ie with 1013.2 set on the altimeter) isnt't actually conflicting with an aeroplane flying a height (QFE) or altitude (QNH) so in England it is common to transition in the climb from Altitude to FL at 4000' (Shown on the departure charts.) Coming down often FL60 or 70 is used. The thing about English sids is that the first cleared level is often a FL which makes it very imprtant to set 1013 at the appropriate point to prevent a level bust in the busy terminal airspace.

          In Scotland a blanket 6000' transition altitude is used and therefore the transition level is FL70 or in some pressure cases FL80. Paris uses 10000' and most German airfields use 5000, with Sids having an initial level off at those alitudes.

