Not too sure if this is in the correct forum.
Great photo Alan
Can someone confirm, or rather expand on what Alan has written, mainly this bit.
"BACKWARDS !! That is air rushing into engines, wrong way round (through exhaust nozzles rather than intakes !) This, I am told, at least up to now, is not possible in western type of engines (I stand to be corrected). Interesting, this is not where the engines need most power, instead, that is during the vertical tail slide and recovery from it !"
this thread is not ment as a critisim, rather a hunt for information on this marvellous manouver.
Great photo Alan
Can someone confirm, or rather expand on what Alan has written, mainly this bit.
"BACKWARDS !! That is air rushing into engines, wrong way round (through exhaust nozzles rather than intakes !) This, I am told, at least up to now, is not possible in western type of engines (I stand to be corrected). Interesting, this is not where the engines need most power, instead, that is during the vertical tail slide and recovery from it !"
this thread is not ment as a critisim, rather a hunt for information on this marvellous manouver.