Well a while back when adding up totals in my logbook I made a few small errors and accidentally wrote down the wrong page totals on a few pages. I put an X over the wrong numbers and wrote in the correct hours next to it (on the white space on the page, NOT in any of the other boxes). My question is, will this come back to haunt me later. Will the airlines or the FAA be suspicious of me or anything because of this? I think I'm being kind of paranoid, and I couldn't see why this would be a problem but I was wandering. Also, my CFI's handwriting is really hard to read in the log book. Will this matter?
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Logbook question.
No, it sounds like you did the right thing Jordan. Everyone makes errors at some time or another, what I usually do is draw a line through the number (so that you can still see the old one) and write the new one next to it. That way, if there are ever any questions, they can see what the error was and why it was corrected. A good way to avoid this is whenever you are totaling up a page, I do those in pencil.
CFI's should make an effort to fill out logbooks legibly, but as long as you know who it was that signed it, and what the pertainent remarks are, I dont think it will matter too much. Its not exactly your fault that your CFI has crappy handwriting.
The bad thing is i'm finding quite a few errors. Incorrect page totals got carried on to the next page. Since I only have about 5 pages filled out, would I be better off just buying a new logbook, filling out the dates, hours, etc, then having my cfi sign it again where he signed it the first time? I'm kinda worried about this now.
Originally posted by JordanDThe bad thing is i'm finding quite a few errors. Incorrect page totals got carried on to the next page. Since I only have about 5 pages filled out, would I be better off just buying a new logbook, filling out the dates, hours, etc, then having my cfi sign it again where he signed it the first time? I'm kinda worried about this now.
Originally posted by JordanDIt was mainly the landing totals that I somehow messed up so bad. (yes, VERY boneheaded move). There were only a few mistakes on the hours but they were corrected and not as sloppy.
eh, dont worry about it, you'll have plenty more pages to make it right. They'll probably be more interested in your advanced training than your PPl anyway. If there's any questions, just be up front about them.
My first logbook was a mess, including correction fluid and addition errors. It hasn;t bothered any employer or CASA though...they seem to like Chuck Yeager's autograph on the inside front cover!
As long as you have not fabricated information you should have no issues.
Same deal here. Plenty of errors in my logbooks. I've used white out, lines, x's, etc, and still got hired.
I highly doubt anyone will be interested in how many landings you have, as long as you are current. I don't log them anymore. I also stopped logging instrument approaches, plenty of IMC time, etc. It's just too much gook to keep track of.
Don't sweat it. Most interviewers glance at the entries anyway. Being neat on them is much more important in my opinion. Errors are fine, just be able to explain them if need be. They certainly won't be a deal breaker at an interview.Bite me Airways.....