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A few questions about getting my medical.

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  • A few questions about getting my medical.

    Well in less than a month I'll hopefully be doing my first solo flight. I don't have my medical certificate yet so I need to get that. Will they check my eyesight pretty thoroughly? I've noticed in the past few months I have trouble reading some stuff that's fairly far away (my brother and others on the other hand can read it fine, I can read it if I try hard enough. ) I've never had a problem with vision when I'm flying though. I can see everything fine and have no problem reading the instruments/airport markings.
    Also earlier this year I was at the doctors (normal physical check up or whatever) and for whatever reason I was a bit nervous (it happens at the doctor's, I guess I'm afraid they'll find something ) so my blood pressure reading came out I guess a little higher than normal. I don't remember the exact numbers but it wasn't ridiculously high, but it kind of scared the shit out of me.

  • #2
    Originally posted by JordanD
    Well in less than a month I'll hopefully be doing my first solo flight. I don't have my medical certificate yet so I need to get that. Will they check my eyesight pretty thoroughly? I've noticed in the past few months I have trouble reading some stuff that's fairly far away (my brother and others on the other hand can read it fine, I can read it if I try hard enough. ) I've never had a problem with vision when I'm flying though. I can see everything fine and have no problem reading the instruments/airport markings.
    Also earlier this year I was at the doctors (normal physical check up or whatever) and for whatever reason I was a bit nervous (it happens at the doctor's, I guess I'm afraid they'll find something ) so my blood pressure reading came out I guess a little higher than normal. I don't remember the exact numbers but it wasn't ridiculously high, but it kind of scared the shit out of me.
    They should check your eyesight to make sure that it is corrected to 20/20. If its not its no big deal, they'll probably just tell you to go get some glasses and come back. If you really think you do have bad eyesight its probably best to just go to an eye doctor and get it over with so you dont waste your money on going to get your medical.

    A lot of the time I have the same thing with the blood pressure. I hate going to the doctor, and its even more nerve racking when its an aviation medical. Usually what happens is they take my blood pressure, go "whoa that's really high" then they say they'll try again in a few. They just hang out and let you relax, talk to you to take your mind off things and then try it again.


    • #3
      They did that to me and it was still a little high (they didn't wait that long) It's hard for me to calm down after you hear your doctor go "Hmmmm that seems high"


      • #4
        Originally posted by JordanD
        They did that to me and it was still a little high (they didn't wait that long) It's hard for me to calm down after you hear your doctor go "Hmmmm that seems high"
        I think from all my years of playing hockey I'm pretty good at focusing and chilling out when I need to.

