Instead of posting more of the aircraft this time, though that will follow- I shall give you all a hint. Our feathered friend represents a species that inhabits pretty much anywhere on Earth in one variety or another. It's name is not something in English, it may indeed describe something about the airframe.
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Let's make a first try
An Ercoupe Forney F1A ?
No it's notoff-course, it's not
, this one is set to last very long too
But I tried my luck and the can box needed a first assault
Rather looks like a tri-gear, ahead of the nosewheel,
there's something looking a small exhaust pipe hinting a single engined
and just above, this looks like some open engine cowling ...
As we ratled the cagelet's wait and see,
C'est que du bonheur(It's all happinness ...)
Say looks something reading like "experimental" is stenciled under the stabilizator
If so, let's be set for an interesting challenge by looking a needle in a haystake as our mystery bird would be then from the US, where squadrons of single builts popped to the air ...
This one has been running for over a week now, high time for a little more of the aircraft. For your perusal I present you with a wing:
I`ll throw in a couple of cues as well, this aircraft shares one of its names with a U.S military trainer, and a horse (of sorts)
Cheers,Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne blessent mon coeur d'une langueur monotone.