Kinda like the 727 then in the way pilots said it was their best friend and worst enemy, eh?
No announcement yet.
Pictures from work
This is a sticky topic.
^^I thought there were three planes converging! Yours, and two others. Neat-o.
This is work for me....Boring!
Figured I haven't updated this in a while...especially with my current job.
Driving by a 767ER on the crew bus
Thing on the wing
Coming back from SWF yesterday
Getting ready to leave SWF
Dont remember wher I was coming from on this one
I think this one was from Indy to the mothership (ATL)
The mothership itself
Me painting the hell out of the ground with the radar....also some storms out there too...took a while how to learn to use it right
Traffic near Dulles
Lots lots more to add, but I think I need a breakHope you enjoy.
Nothing better to do, here come some more.
Kennedy Space Center
Waiting for a parking spot
Probably gonna have to go around that
Canuckjet during preflight
Each blue diamond is another airplane...going into or coming out of Atlanta
Getting smelled by a CRJ
You know its a bad sign when you get to the plane and Maintenance is on board doing an engine runup...we're gonna be late
Remote pad waiting for the peoples to come out so we can go to PHF
Welcome to North Carolina
Magic box says 41 mins from CLT to ATL....that is until ATC slows us down for "spacing"
Chief needs to hurry back from the coffee run
More to come
A few of them "moving picture" from yesterday.
I got a new point and shoot camera that takes videos. Took a potato chip bag clip, superglued a tripod mount on it, and its the perfect camera mount for the glareshield. Here's my takeoff from SWF and my landing in ATL. The landing one is blurry because I accidentally had it in macro mode, but you can still see what is going on.
Landing: (added some music to this one)
Originally posted by Leftseat86.919 damn that is slick as hell!
Envy you man, I'm sure that is an amazing plane to fly.Kind of ironic that Citations are both the slowest and fastest of business jets!
What makes it good is the company. They treat us very well, and as a result nearly every pilot on the property busts hump to get the job done. That's the main reason I enjoy going to work. Flying the X is an added bonus.
That CRJ-700 Emu flies is no slouch though. Probably the best RJ out there as far as payload and performance, and 2nd behind the Dash 8 overall.Bite me Airways.....
Originally posted by LRJet Guy
That CRJ-700 Emu flies is no slouch though. Probably the best RJ out there as far as payload and performance, and 2nd behind the Dash 8 overall.
I love hearing the mainline pilots complain about getting stuck behind an RJ...yet in cruise they're always doing something like .75/.76 and we're normally flight planned at .80 unless parts are missing.
The 200 on the other hand.....different story entirely.