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Labels in cockpit
As mentioned earlier, there is what looks like tape over the speedbrake handle and the other paper/tape is covering the APU start switch. The aircraft is inside one of Delta's maintenance hangers and they must be working on those two items and do not want anyone changing settings.
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Sometimes, they put a note on the cockpit panel. I'll show you where I marked it. I have seen it before the note says something is inoperative or do not use blah blah...
See picture:
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Originally posted by JordanDOne of them is on the speedbrake handle. They could be working on them and want them to remain up, so they put that there so nobody would stow them. I'd imagine if a mechanic had his arm under there and somebody stowed it they'd lose that arm.
wOoT my 3,000th worthless post!
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One of them is on the speedbrake handle. They could be working on them and want them to remain up, so they put that there so nobody would stow them. I'd imagine if a mechanic had his arm under there and somebody stowed it they'd lose that arm.
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Probably just there to say "Do not use this" or something might be inoperative.
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do you mean those pieces of paper taped over a couple switches? or do you mean the ones printed onto the panel?
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Labels in cockpit
What are the labels on the overhead panel in the cockpit for? Thanks.Tags: None
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