I was listening to MCO Tower. Looks like Taxi Into Position and Hold (TIPH)operations are being allowed. What happened to the permanent ban the FAA was going to require for all airports? I'm assuming all major commercial airports are allowed to use TIPH procedures. Has the ban been put in place at some airports though?
No announcement yet.
Airports can apply for an exemption if there is enough petition from the operators. When I was based in Toledo, the ATC sent a memo to our company asking if we would like to petition the FAA for an exemption. But they told us that in our operation, it would be pointless. Because to be eligible to use the ememption they have to have 2 local controllers in the tower. At smaller airports they staff the tower differently at "off" hours and only have 1 controller in the tower and one on approach.
So our operation....basically 12AM-7AM, would not stand to benefit.
I've been in larger airports like MEM when they have not allowed position and hold procedures due to lack of controllers in the cab.
It's really not a huge deal unless you're at a very large airport.Anybody can fly a round airplane....