Oh yeah? Rotation for the Katana is 44....so....there!
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Vr speed
Are power setting for taking off usually max? Or do you use a computer to calculate how much power to use (eg: MK 747 Halifax, October 2005)
On most Boeing and Airbus jets you can "derate" the thrust for take off, meaning that you use less than full thrust. It lowers engine wear and noise. Boeing jets often use the "Assumed Temperature Method", which is just a way of calculating (For us, from a chart) the hottest temperature that the aircraft could take off on the runway... then putting a buffer on that, and telling the FMC that you are taking off at that temperature... and it reduces the thrust accordingly. (Why it produces less thrust on a hot day is for another lesson )
Of course, it totally depends on the available runway, required climb gradient, aircraft weight. In a 747 on a 4000m runway on a cool day at light weight, you have a large derate. On a 2500m runway, you are likely to have close to max thrust. In a 767 you are likely to have a derate on almost every runway, and still go like a cut cat.
All relative!