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Smoking in the flightdeck?

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  • brianw999
    It always used to make me smile back when smoking was allowed in the cabin.

    " Smoking or non smoking sir ?"

    " Non smoking please"

    .....and I get put in the seat immediately behind the smoking section !! As if the smoke magically stops at that point. I should add that I was a smoker myself at the time but refused to pollute a confined atmosphere.

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  • Crunk415balla
    Originally posted by Kell Kong
    Everything bloody stinks in China anyways, not a good reference..

    But seriously, how could a non smoking pilot be worried by someone smoking in the cockpit, when the real health issue is the amount of radiation charge he receives monthly, spending so many hours in a cockpit with no known effective protection against Gamma rays and others????

    Someone please explain how smoking in a cockpit could be of concerned??
    I don't think the thought crosses a pilots mind much...I've never even thought about Gamma rays...

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  • z740
    Smoking on the flight deck can cause a lot of problems as well. My grandfather who flew the 757 and the A300 for Eastern told me about how the switches would be covered in a green slime from all the tobacco smoke, and how the AC system was all messed up too. After Eastern banned smoking in the cockpit there were a lot less problems with the switches.


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  • AJ
    In the days that smoking was allowed in Qantas aircraft it caused major problems with the air conditioning filters and especially the outflow valve. Unscheduled maintenance of the outflow valves has decreased significantly with the notable tar stains gone.

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  • ptbodale
    Originally posted by Kell Kong
    Someone please explain how smoking in a cockpit could be of concerned??
    Confined space and second hand smoke!

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  • Kell Kong
    Originally posted by Brenden S
    All the Chinese airlines allow there pilots to smoke, It bloody stinks in the cockpit.
    Everything bloody stinks in China anyways, not a good reference..

    But seriously, how could a non smoking pilot be worried by someone smoking in the cockpit, when the real health issue is the amount of radiation charge he receives monthly, spending so many hours in a cockpit with no known effective protection against Gamma rays and others????

    Someone please explain how smoking in a cockpit could be of concerned??

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  • ptbodale
    Originally posted by MCM
    BTW, speaking to many of the old crew who did have smoking on the flight deck, most believe the ventilation system certainly was no-where near adequate to remove the smell, and you used to come off the flight stinking of smoke.
    Having worked as a Loadmaster on the DC8F just before AC went smoke free there were a few pilots that smoked. I did a regular run to Managua Nicaragua and generally the Capt would ask before we left if anyone minded smoking on the flight deck. I always said "no" to smoking and I think there was only a couple of times one of them lit up. One Capt smoked a pipe and it was actually not bad.

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  • Brenden S
    All the Chinese airlines allow there pilots to smoke, It bloody stinks in the cockpit.

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  • MCM
    No smoking on any aircraft in Australia, including on the flight deck.

    BTW, speaking to many of the old crew who did have smoking on the flight deck, most believe the ventilation system certainly was no-where near adequate to remove the smell, and you used to come off the flight stinking of smoke.

    Most airlines these days say no smoking on flight deck (although of course there are a few that still do)

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  • Bok269
    Originally posted by MaxPower
    That's what I thought. What captain would allow smoking in the flightdeck anyway? Unless you are in Russia or in a country with I don't give a shit attitude, However even if there is ventilation in the cockpit, I wouldn't want to work on a stinky cockpit. (Not saying that I'll ever gonna fly anyway) lol
    The Rationale I have heard is that you don't want a jittery F/O who is nicotine-deprived. I'm not saying its good reasoning, but is what I have heard.

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  • MaxPower
    Originally posted by ptbodale
    Well in civilized countries smoking is not allowed in the cockpit. An NO, pilots do not get to do what they want to. lol.
    That's what I thought. What captain would allow smoking in the flightdeck anyway? Unless you are in Russia or in a country with I don't give a shit attitude, However even if there is ventilation in the cockpit, I wouldn't want to work on a stinky cockpit. (Not saying that I'll ever gonna fly anyway) lol

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  • ptbodale
    Originally posted by pkonowrocki
    What ? No sex in the flight deck ? Ohh I dont wanna be a pilot anymore
    Pat, you have to be a pilot just so I can yell at you some day. I'll give up early retirement. hahahaha

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  • Dmmoore
    No smoking in any FedEx Vehicle or building,

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  • Bok269
    Originally posted by LRJet Guy
    Not in the US under 121.
    I stand corrected.

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  • pkonowrocki
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by ptbodale
    An NO, pilots do not get to do what they want to. lol.
    What ? No sex in the flight deck ? Ohh I dont wanna be a pilot anymore

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