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Junior Member
Last Activity: 2006-12-26, 17:38
Joined: 2004-08-27
Location: Tifton, GA
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About how much will Flight School cost? (Topic in the Aviation Discussion Forum forum)
2006-02-18, 18:24
Any aircraft owners on here? (Topic in the Aviation Discussion Forum forum)
2006-11-27, 04:46
Australian Simulation's Piper Warrior (Topic in the Flight Simulator Discussion forum)
2006-12-03, 23:22
Beech Bonanza (Topic in the Aviation Discussion Forum forum)
2005-01-13, 17:45
Bond Flipped His Aston Martin, I Intend To Flip My A320 (Topic in the Flight Simulator Discussion forum)
2006-12-29, 13:24
Can a one-armed person learn to fly? (Topic in the Aviation Discussion Forum forum)
2005-03-20, 06:45
Can an older plane such as a 1945 Luscombe be instrument rated? (Topic in the Aviation Discussion Forum forum)
2005-08-03, 17:34
Can you identify this airplane (Topic in the Aviation Discussion Forum forum)
2005-02-22, 18:33
Commander 112 vs. Cherokee Arrow (Topic in the Flight Review Forum forum)
2006-04-04, 16:12
Does your PC run FSX alright? (Topic in the Flight Simulator Discussion forum)
2006-12-23, 23:41
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