I still wonder how a jetphotos junior member should be treated who's here since less than two weeks. Ok, he has tried to upload a so called 'photoshopped' photo
into the jetphotos database queue, i.e. a photo which is not Original any longer, and that not only once, but he tried it twice with exactly the same altered Original (?) .
But people are young, I was young 15 years ago when I became a jetphotos member. So, I assume that this is a sentence which should be there for all new jetphotos members all the time,
every time when they log in, within the first 4 weeks at least:
Do not try to upload altered Originals! You better visit the place again and come back with a photo that fulfils the jetphotos quality criteria and the jetphotos photo upload criteria.
I dont' know if there is such a friendly help for all new members. But back on topic.
In the night from Monday to Tuesday March 26th 2024 01:27 a.m. local...