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  • darazarbaf
    started a topic Safety Cards for trade

    Safety Cards for trade

    If anyone is interested, this is my up-to-date safety card trade list. Feel free to contact me if you have an offer for any of them:
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  • Safety data sample collecting?

    Hello to big Jetphotos community,

    Since there are a lot of people from different backgrounds, I hope someone will be able to help me out on this issue. I recently started working in aviation industry with no prior experience and I think I got a difficult task from my superior for someone that's really new.

    To further explain, I got to work in Chinese airlines company and its safety supervision department. One of my superiors told me he wants to improve all departments quality work that is related to aircraft operations. He wants me to find/make way to collect samples of data from those departments that are related to aircraft safety operations. I know the only data company collects is QAR (quick access recorder). We also have SMS (safety management system) but I don't know how much of that is relevant. The thing is I don't even know where to start from, and I haven't seen any of the related departments (flight department, maintenance, cargo handling, cabin crew,...
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  • Who is to blame for this airshow crash ?

    I came across this article and this gives an excellent insight of the mistakes that cause accidents and which led to the recent crash on the Australia Day. There is a recent trend of filming such videos and making sensational news out of it but being pilots we know these could have been avoided.
    So who is to be blamed for all this and can they be avoided??
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  • Should airlines arm their cabin crew owing to unruly passengers getting worse?

    40% of aviation companies have diverted a flight in the last 12 months because of an unruly traveller. Unruly air travellers have turned into a major problem, the International Air Transport Association reports.According to freshly released facts there were almost 50,000 accounted events from 2007 to 2015. Majority of them were resolved quickly by the crew members. But, 11% of such incidents include damage to the plane or physical harm to others.
    For more info, you can visit

    It has really become a burning question these days especially after the Korean Airlines incident....
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    Last edited by hugh; 2017-01-14, 17:46. Reason: more info

  • Ideas for improving safety ?

    I have long been an aviation enthusiast, and have watched all episodes of Mayday. The more Mayday I watch, the more I don't understand why safety measures like the following aren't in place !!! 1 - External cameras to monitor the following: engines, wings (and flaps/slats/spoilers), both stabilizers, landing gear, other critical parts (pitot ports ?), and an overall view of the fuselage to check for damage There have been countless flights that could have benefited from the above measure. Kegworth (shut down the wrong engine), Eastern 401 (couldn't check if the landing gear was locked), Aeroperu 603 (blocked pitot static port), perhaps even flights during which flaps/spoilers hadn't been deployed (a visual inspection pre-landing/takeoff might have helped), and AirTransat (fuel leak) 2 - Internal cameras to monitor cabin/cargo (esp. for fires): AirCanada 797 (toilet), SwissAir 111, SouthAfrican 295 (cargo), Nigeria 2120 (wheel well area) In a lot of these crashes, at the first sign...
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