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Shrinks Advertising on Aviation Sites

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  • Shrinks Advertising on Aviation Sites

    I wonder if anyone else has noticed that Aviation sites, including and particularly ADC, seem to be getting crowded with adverts from shrinks? Do they reckon aviation enthusiasts are in need of professional help, I wonder? Perhaps I should check out other sites, like train-spotters' and fishing sites, but really there has been a huge increase in shrinks advertising on aviation sites.

    Its easy to fantasise about their reasons. Perhaps I'll email a couple and ask them if aviation sites are good for business and we can all have a good laugh.

    I mean maybe its the pilots they're after, tired, harrassed individuals, these days grossly underpaid, many of them just as afflicted with stress and anxiety as circus performers, weighed down with responsibility . . .

    OK, just kidding, but the question remains, why so many shrinks advertising on aviation sites?