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Coffee in the comms panel?

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  • #16
    Allow me comrade to solve problem.

    It is called a straw. What is the big deal against sipping coffee through a straw? I spent many a shift behind the wheel and after a few "chin dribbles" and stained seats it finally hit me to punch a hole with a knife (yes I was allowed sharp objects), and insert the straw.

    If you that much of a purist you would only drink from a hand crafted ceramic mug filled with the finest hand picked coffee from the Unobtanium Foothills.

    You drink if from a plastic styro or lined paper thingie anyway.

    And to you wackos who have bought into that $200 a pound stuff that passes through the intestines of small rodents? P.T. Barnum sends his regards.
    Live, from a grassy knoll somewhere near you.


    • #17
      Movement of the Coffee cup from the Outboard of the seat ,makes more sense.
      Think of the brighter side !


      • #18
        Even more sense would be to drink pure Polish vodka. Even if you spill it it will quickly evaporate and probably even clean electronic contacts.

        Wouldn't do much for situational awareness on final approach though !!!
        If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


        • #19
          Originally posted by guamainiac View Post
          If you that much of a purist you would only drink from a hand crafted ceramic mug filled with the finest hand picked coffee from the Unobtanium Foothills.
          That's just silly. I'm a purist and I prefer my coffee from the Kailua Kona region.


          • #20
            Thanks God it was only coffee and not urine....!
            I had to work at the avionics compartment on a Boeing 727 flooded with urine!!...what a nasty job. The lavatory broke and all this stuff came over the electronics, racks, oxygen tanks, etc. located at the avionics compartment, just below the lavatory.
            A Former Airdisaster.Com Forum (senior member)....

