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I see all the comments about JP should do this, JP should do that. The people at JP are working their damnedest to keep JP going. However, it is FR24 that controls everything, including the purse strings, the development, etc. FR24 will not respond to the JP people let alone any of the uploaders, etc. I REALLY feel for the people at JP, Alex, Dana, all of the crew, because their hands are tied. Can you imagining taking your car into a shop for repairs and the shop says, sorry, it's going to be three weeks because our owners won't let us work on it before then. In my mind, that is what the folk at JP are facing. In our cases with the car, we can go to another shop down the road and get the help we need. There are only so many JP's and I left the other site because of honestly ridiculous screening standards. Until FR24 opens up the coffers for changes to be made to JP, we are stuck in my opinion. It's not like it's a revenue source for FR24 like the subscriptions at FR24 do. And,...
In case you didn't know, there is a little trick - if you use the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (Mac) and move the Masking slider, you can select what should be sharpened.
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Would the sharpening have been okay for you too Dana? Or is that over sharpened?
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Could I ask a screener about the horizon on this rejection. I used the columns on the building behind the aircraft for alignment and in looking at them again, they seem to be vertically aligned. I realize the the poles, etc under the aircraft are leaning to the right, but if I adjust to them, the building is going to lean behind. Which is the correct place for vertical alignment here?
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Thanks Dana - when Alex said "immediate emergency", I thought it might be something that could get in quickly, but, oh well, keep building up the stock of "pre-screening" images until it happens.
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Do you have a time frame for this? Reason I ask is I (and probably a lot of others) have lost all ability to upload images to the forums. Previous it worked with the image button, but now that gives me "error processing this image notify the site administrator" and "PHP max size exceeded" messages. Just hoping that the new forum will resolve these.
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